any plan for my summer?

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    hey chaps and chapettes,

    to sum it up, 1 month ago I was living a very great life (for me) with a nice girlfriend, a house , a dog and many projects about the future.

    now, she left me and I lost everything that was important to me, plus my jobs finishes by the end of june. Should I jump from that bridge right now or what? is that a sign????. the fact is that I wanted to spend my life with her and everything and at some point I was thinking that if it was not with her it would be with nobody else.

    now, things have changed and I really need to change the background right now and go very far for the summer at least or more if I can find sthg good for me as nothing really keeps me in France except my job starting again in october.but then again , I dont think it will be possible to do it again and again every year like that…

    so any idea is welcome keeping in mind I am now a 29 years old single, my job is to teach french, I can speak english and spanish and I am ready to do anything that can change my mind…..


    Hey Seb,

    Sorry to hear about you girlfriend and stuff, but given your multiligual capabilities why don’t you sign up to be one of those Club 18-30 reps for the summer somewhere like Ibiza.

    Will keep you busy, you will earn a few quid and you never know you may find you get laid a few times too 😉

    Just a thought 8)


    Multilingual living in Europe – the world (errr or Europe!) is your oyster… go forth and conquer!

    Sorry to hear about the lady mate… it will get easier with time…


    Leave Europe for a bit and clear your head…go to one of the many language teacher sites, find a job in thailand or somewhere in Asia, or as far away as possible..the women are great, life is cheap, and the beaches are not quite Blackpool but they’re OK..and you have the safety of restarting the job in September… easy 🙂


    Sorry about the bad news Seb 😥

    Things will get better, but if you motivate yourself now, you will come out better on the other side. You sound like you could have the world at your feet, just got to take the first step out.


    @=xdc=zigzag wrote:

    Leave Europe for a bit and clear your head…go to one of the many language teacher sites, find a job in thailand or somewhere in Asia, or as far away as possible..the women are great, life is cheap, and the beaches are not quite Blackpool but they’re OK..and you have the safety of restarting the job in September… easy 🙂

    Yeh, do a tefl course (if you need…) and then do what the zig man says…!



    sorry to hear about your news mate, but as stated youve got the skills. Im sure you will have no probs in getting yourself sorted anywhere you fancy!!

    Take care mate.



    Where’s Devon again?


    chin up seb, sorry to hear about the women mate! Im a strong beliver in things happening for a reason fella.


    Sorry to hear that Seb.. Chin high mate!!

    Max speaks sence for a change… Things happen for a reason.. and the reason is more time online gaming! hehe

    come on get RO bought and join us for fun tonight


    @=xdc=zigzag wrote:

    Where’s Devon again?

    Down there and around the corner and about one and half hours drive from Bristol!!!!! Hope that clears that up, now everyone…….


    myself and sharon will gladly put up a few lodgers for the weekend if anyone does fancy GETTING DRUNK IN DEVON!!!


    Got no plan so far, going to get drunk at friend s in nomandy, could be worse…

    thx for all m8s


    poll:can t be arsed to make a new post with nice things to vote but…

    shd I

    option number 1:
    what : teach french at the school down the road
    duration: all week long for july and aug
    money: 2000€/month
    pros: very busy, enuf money
    cons: I already do that all year long, not far enuf from my everyday life

    option number 2:
    what : take care with 3 adults of 45 kids aged 12-18 on a linguistic trip to sth spain
    duration : 2 weeks in july and maybe 2 in aug
    money : almost nthg but all free and 100€/week
    pros: far enuf from here, I like spain, need a change, I could sail and do nice stuffs at the beach
    cons: only 2 weeks so far, money

    pls vote and discuss


    Option 1 m8, option 2 does not have enough money for the responsibility and option 1 will will give you two months to really think about what to do.


    wise advice.

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