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  • This topic has 40 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Milo.
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  • #18822

    aye, we all know ARMA was overhyped toss, but this is looking pretty good, DEmo out today I believe which I’ll have a crack at..

    Town Assault (HD) –

    Laser guided bomb test –

    C130 vs Tunguska

    Combined Arms Assault [HD]



    And Arma2 is the same :p

    The game’s been out for couple weeks in Germany and its plagued with bugs that needed patching straight away, don’t get me wrong I’ve been a big fan of Flashpoint and then Arma1 (flashpoint 1.5 tbh) I’ve not had that higher hopes for Arma2, they couldn’t even fix silly little bugs in Arma that we’re in Flashpoint, raining indoors anyone?

    I’ll probably end up getting Arma2 but I’ll wait till Flashpoint2 is out and see which is worth while, though I’ve been leaning towards Flashpoint 2 for a while now.


    already bought Arma2

    ofp is bf2 imo…been reading their forums, lead designer left for (crysis team) and he was instrumental in the realism side….

    lots not quite right with it…..exploding red barrels (game cliche)
    an island with no towns
    no lean
    no trackir/freetrack support

    seems to catering for the console market tbh, which isint a bad thing but we pc users will end up with a port 👿

    gets a bit heated there but its funny 😆

    edit: oh for those interested AA3 is released tomorrow on steam


    blimey! they got the speaking clock for the voiceovers in arma 2! 😯


    Was the same in ARAM and OFP mate.. something they can’t change

    I dont have high hopes for ARMA2 as ARMA one was utter shite, I sold it within a day.. but not listening to Doc anymore, I will play the *cough* demo and if anygood, will purchase, although probably wait for OFP2 to try that.. only based on how bad ARMA was and how good OFP was

    Unfortunatly it appears every developer (except ARMA devs in this case) devs for consoles these days, due to it being easier and less hassle, PC owners will always get ports I reckon due to popularity, ease and not having to upgrade PCs every 2 days to play games.. very unfortunate and no one as pissed off as me about it, but you cant change the inevitable.
    Consoles = $$$$££££


    Review –” onclick=”;return false;


    With regards to the videos, in particular: C130 vs Tunguska

    It seems retarded to me to lose about 20 C130s like that. Ermmm fly really high or divert, wtf? And also, they seems to appear really quick, like a bad draw distance.


    @To0THBRU5H wrote:

    With regards to the videos, in particular: C130 vs Tunguska

    It seems retarded to me to lose about 20 C130s like that. Ermmm fly really high or divert, wtf? And also, they seems to appear really quick, like a bad draw distance.

    yeah I was going to mention that!
    But I think it was probably just a bot flyby demonstration of what the tunguska can do effectivly as well as visually. draw distance was crap tho as you say. And Mike you would expect that autamated phone voice in OFP as they game is 9 years old! In fairness they are probably doing this on a limited budget compare to Codemasters but still… something like that could easilly be improved without that mutch hassle


    I think OFP2 has the bots voices too mate.. I’m sure they are in the vids posted.. but yeah, agree.. I think they are toss meself! (read that carefully)

    As for the vid, as you say, much of a demo to me.. as for draw distance, somethings have to give, its all about the Gameplay.. unless its OFP2 which if you watch the vid I posted has a much better draw distance 🙂

    more pics here, not as nice as some i’ve seen, but nice none the less..″ onclick=”;return false;

    If the gameplay is as good as teh gfx, I’ll get it.. hactually think this


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    I toss meself!



    Weirdly enough, I’d have to be ghey to not admit to that.. at least 8 times a day, I share the work with the other half


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Weirdly enough, I’d have to be ghey to not admit to that.. at least 8 times a day, I share the work with the other half

    Tossing oneself over Arma is pretty gay.


    It would be, however this is Arma 2, and is worth wanking over looking at the gfx!


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    It would be, however this is Arma 2, and is worth wanking over looking at the gfx!

    Valid point, argument accepted.


    Come on nOm, I’m waiting for your honest review….

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