BF3 beta on tuesday?

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    It could be tuesday for the beta for the MOH owners and the Origin pre orders and thursday for everyone else




    New Beta Vid!!


    Seems theres a lot of talk about the BETA today on the EA forums!



    yeah, everyone is slagging EA/Dice…….but it’s ok, Max still loves you 😆


    ok ok I’ve changed my mind I shall be buying it, where’s the best place to get it from?


    good lad! Ill download from Origin. (EA’s version of STEAM)


    must say, I’m a little disappointed in the limited choice of gametype and map. Pretty crap that it’s ending 2 weeks before the full game is available, would it have killed them to leave it up until launch date?


    Shamelessly copied and pasted from another forum, but some interesting points in there.

    Zh1nt0 (head community manager for Battlefield 3) sat down with the German Battlefield community to discuss questions concerning the beta. A lot of valuable information was revealed during the conversation. You can read all of it below.

    Battlefield 3 Beta:

    * The beta will not start at midnight or 00:00 GMT
    * The download size will be 2 – 3gb
    * Those who had the alpha must download the beta client, the alpha client can not be updated.
    * No game rank limit during beta (go all the way to 50!)
    * Pre-load information coming soon
    * The beta was not delayed

    Battlefield 3 General:

    * The netcode is completely new and rewritten
    * Players can not join a squad if their team is full (to prevent Battlelog groups from getting split)
    * Vehicles will begin to heal themselves after 10 – 15 seconds (this is a server setting)
    * Vehicles will only begin to regenerate if their health is under 75%
    * Unlocks are class restrictive, can’t put a sniper scope on a support gun
    * Operation Metro has been better balanced
    * Two knife animations (behind and on the ground)
    * A knife attack on your player can not be countered
    * Throwing a grenade will still prompt enemy players to yell (Bad Company 2 similar)
    * Hand grenades can not be held to make the detonation time quicker (known as cooking)
    * You can join a server that a friend is on via Origin
    * Friendly Fire is set to “on” by default. It can be turned off in the server settings
    * Caspian Border is not the biggest map
    * Jets do not have bombs (wtf?)
    * If you are kicked from a server, Battlelog will prompt you with the reason (ping, server settings, or server admin reasoning)
    * A ranked server can be turned into an unranked server (for practice, etc.)
    * No weather or time change during a multiplayer game
    * e-sports are the focus of Battlefield 3
    * No word on Battlerecorder/Game recorder

    Misc. Battlefield 3 Information:

    * You can use three screens with the game
    * Next 1 – 3 weeks will bring more information about maps
    * Battlelog application for iPhone/iOS (free). No word on Android.
    * Battlelog is updated separately to allow game updating to be a bit more flawless
    * More community events in the works (some happening here on enterbf3!)
    * Mod tools are still a possibility
    * Two nVidia GTX 580’s can run the game on ultra
    * Battlefield 3 may be available on the Xbox marketplace
    * Some 300 employees at DICE

    no bombs on jets?

    Looks like you’re gonna have to crossfire that 6950 badboy you’re thinking of buying Maxwell.


    i wish, can only afford a single 6950


    * You can join a server that a friend is on via Origin

    meh are we going to have to start using steam and origin now while this game’s out.

    * Jets do not have bombs (wtf?)

    I like this 🙂

    * e-sports are the focus of Battlefield 3

    Interesting, this could be quite significant in how the game’s developed over time, a bit like TF2. Could also see them actually trying to balance a BF game for a change.


    bit weird how jets don’t have bombs and you can’t cook a grenade?


    jets will have missiles but not bombs


    @11thSignal wrote:

    bit weird how jets don’t have bombs and you can’t cook a grenade?

    This is probably a long overdue balance tweak. Planes will be the counter to other aircraft, and in particular choppers, rather than the kerbstomping wtfpwning machines of previous bf titles (well not so much bf2, but they were still annoying on some maps). Also could you cook a grenade in earlier bf games? I suppose that’d be a nice addition, but hardly a game changer.


    1st impressions….i thinks i likes it….a lot 😀

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