COD 4 ETUK server

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    Right, just had a chat with some of the ETUK guys who came onto our server for a game of lag…Seemed like a decent bunch of guys, but it turned out they had come looking for us because they had had a bit of grief from some of the XDC guys and were wondering what was going on.

    Basically the conversation went “we really like having you guys on the server, it’s a challenge playing you, and we all know Max has Hax, but when we get grief on our own server we don’t really appreciate it, so would you mind behaving cos otherwise we’ll just kick everyone and we don’t really want to do that…”

    To which I said “fair enough, sounds pretty much like the way we run the XDC server, and we wouldn’t appreciate it if a clan came on and started taking the piss, so yeah, I’ll mention it in the forums..”

    So there it is, we all play on ETUK, it’s a good server and they put up with us coming on and taking over a bit, and to be fair, they didn’t just kick everyone but came to find us to straighten stuff out, so props to them for that…I invited ’em over to the forums to say “hi” so if they appear give em a nice XDC welcome, and maybe we can all play nice when we’re on their server…

    Oh yeah, and I’m back by the way 😀


    Never heard of them!


    That, Turks, is because you can only play on their server if you have a golden AK 47 so you’re barred!


    Bunch of coonts you ask me! They camp, nothing else! The idea of domination, is to capture flags is it not? Not in the eyes of the ETUK lads, who for a start, all decided to play on the same team, decided to camp flag C and nothing more!!! When I suggested to them, the idea of Domination is to at least attempt to capture the remainder of the flags, otherwise they would lose and it would make a shit game, they replied “its tactics!” – yeah ok!

    They then decided it was ok to camp the spawn area, which as you can appreciate, its fucking annoying, when you spawn and instantly get shot, when I suggested nicely to these bunch of fucking primates, not to do it, they replied “whats the issue!” – go fuck yourself ETUK!

    So fuck them and there cunty server! 👿 If they want to play like spazzers, then I will find another server, where tactics are a little more thought about. Will give them a second chance but thats it!


    dont mince your words maxine 😀


    LOL, well thats that little mystery cleared up. 😀




    now now.. dont be like that, we are only discussing this.. i think calling us cunts is a little over the top, cunts are useful


    Max, I seriously think the fault is in the level designs, they are often too small. It is well nigh impossible to camp a spawn as it is semi random and does its best to avoid spawning you near the majority of enemy players (hence on sabotage it spawning you on the other side of downpour when all the enemy are near your bomb). Yeah, it’s annoying, but these guys have a point, they say quite clearly they don’t like swearing on their server and yet some of us swear quite blindly. I’m not sure about you but when I get hassle on our server as an admin, unless we kow the people giving it, I am likely to kick, because we pay for it. Same applies to them and their server. I think the attitude that we use they use, if you don’t like theior server rules, play elsewhere. I happen to enjoy their server, they are on the whole fairly decent guys, but there are one or two of them who i would class as cocks, as I’m sure they would class one or two of us as cocks, but ultimately it is their server. Apologies if this offends people, but that’s the deal. It wouldn’t be an issue if it weren’t for our server being really laggy and crap. I raised a ticet with multiplay about this (hope I’m not treading on anyones toes by doing that ) and they replied as follows:

    Hello Craig,

    I am sorry to say that I really dont know what more you expect us to do in this case. I have gone through all the logs and tickets that have been continually raised by you on this issue. We have moved your server to another machine more than once. We have edited your server config files for you more than once. In each instance you seem to come back and tell us you are still having ping issues. We have even had our guys join your server and play for several hours! None of this has determined any sort of fault existing with your server. We are completely unable to reproduce your issue.

    Im sorry that you think we are shifting blame, but you seem determined to lay it firmly at our feet without producing any substantiating evidence that remotely backs up there being a problem, let alone where. Having gone through the support tickets, we have asked repeatedly for trace results to determine where these ‘lag’ issues are arising. If there are any, then a trace should show not only conclusive evidence of an issue, but also highlight the likely area of cause.

    I have found 5 tickets in which we request trace results, of which only 2 have had a reply and both of which were inadequate. One showed no response from host on all hops, the other showed a normal trace (no issues).

    Again I apologise, but unless you and the other people who are experiencing issues on your server cooperate with us and produce the trace results we have repeatedly asked for, there is nothing further we can do. We have exhausted every avenue and found nothing. The only explaination that remains is that the problem lies outside our sphere of control, i.e. it is not a problem with the server, the machine or our network.

    Now, I anticipate this response will not go down well with you, however I ask you to consider the following point. It is not in our interest to provide a bad service. If you consider the amount of administrative time and effort we have poured into trying to sort out your issue, it far outstrips the cost of your server fee. If it was a fault our end, would it not make more economic sense to sort it out in an expeditious manner, thus spending the least time “fixing” issues?


    Bruce Richardson
    (aka SquireMuldoon)


    Still think there cunts wolf, no excuse for camping and xcamping the spawn areas imho, unless you think different. 👿


    yup, there cunts alright, why do u think im playing on there server under a diff name? faggoty fuckers. therre campers. sure, its there server but when u camp there spawn therre piss there pants over it, yet when they do it too you they just high five each other and slap each others ass’s. homos.


    Seriously, I don’t want to get into an argument about this but Ryzo, never seen them compllain about camping spawns, honestly. I fyou have then fine, and I genuinely think that most of them don’t do it. They do have Killcam on so you can check where you were killed from but FFS, I’ve been spawn killed on almost every game i’ve ever played on, it’s just the inevitability of the game, which to be fair, COD4 has tried to alleviate. Still, it’s the best server for lag free gaming I have found. If you want a really decent game you need no mre than 6 v 6 on most maps.


    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    Max, I seriously think the fault is in the level designs, they are often too small. It is well nigh impossible to camp a spawn as it is semi random and does its best to avoid spawning you near the majority of enemy players (hence on sabotage it spawning you on the other side of downpour when all the enemy are near your bomb). Yeah, it’s annoying, but these guys have a point, they say quite clearly they don’t like swearing on their server and yet some of us swear quite blindly. I’m not sure about you but when I get hassle on our server as an admin, unless we kow the people giving it, I am likely to kick, because we pay for it. Same applies to them and their server. I think the attitude that we use they use, if you don’t like theior server rules, play elsewhere. I happen to enjoy their server, they are on the whole fairly decent guys, but there are one or two of them who i would class as cocks, as I’m sure they would class one or two of us as cocks, but ultimately it is their server. Apologies if this offends people, but that’s the deal. It wouldn’t be an issue if it weren’t for our server being really laggy and crap. I raised a ticet with multiplay about this (hope I’m not treading on anyones toes by doing that ) and they replied as follows:

    Hello Craig,

    I am sorry to say that I really dont know what more you expect us to do in this case. I have gone through all the logs and tickets that have been continually raised by you on this issue. We have moved your server to another machine more than once. We have edited your server config files for you more than once. In each instance you seem to come back and tell us you are still having ping issues. We have even had our guys join your server and play for several hours! None of this has determined any sort of fault existing with your server. We are completely unable to reproduce your issue.

    Im sorry that you think we are shifting blame, but you seem determined to lay it firmly at our feet without producing any substantiating evidence that remotely backs up there being a problem, let alone where. Having gone through the support tickets, we have asked repeatedly for trace results to determine where these ‘lag’ issues are arising. If there are any, then a trace should show not only conclusive evidence of an issue, but also highlight the likely area of cause.

    I have found 5 tickets in which we request trace results, of which only 2 have had a reply and both of which were inadequate. One showed no response from host on all hops, the other showed a normal trace (no issues).

    Again I apologise, but unless you and the other people who are experiencing issues on your server cooperate with us and produce the trace results we have repeatedly asked for, there is nothing further we can do. We have exhausted every avenue and found nothing. The only explaination that remains is that the problem lies outside our sphere of control, i.e. it is not a problem with the server, the machine or our network.

    Now, I anticipate this response will not go down well with you, however I ask you to consider the following point. It is not in our interest to provide a bad service. If you consider the amount of administrative time and effort we have poured into trying to sort out your issue, it far outstrips the cost of your server fee. If it was a fault our end, would it not make more economic sense to sort it out in an expeditious manner, thus spending the least time “fixing” issues?


    Bruce Richardson
    (aka SquireMuldoon)

    Mmmmmm ive an idea mate, why dont you come onto COD4 with us one night and see for yourself that we are not telling fucking lies and that your piss poor excuse for a server is lagging like a dysentry case in an asylum. Or maybe we should do your job for you mate and fix it ourselves seeing as you give it to us for nothing, oh thats right you dont so do your job you PEN15.

    As for the ETUK thing i really couldnt give a flying one either way, i am the first to start ranting if i get killed by anyone let alone camped. Just think there are more important things to get bothered about, at the end of the day it is just a game. If they’re being cocks ill just move to a different server but will not do it without you lot. If they want to play like a bunch of slack jawed faggots then fine well just go in on there server on mass and fuck them up.

    This probably comes across as a rant but its not. The whole reason about me coming on and playing is not how well im doing on the game its cos you lot are really good craic and i couldnt give a squirt of piss where we play just as long as we are on there together having a laugh and taking the piss.

    Oh and by the way, one of the ETUK lads asked who our Leader was so we put your name forward “Ryzo”!!!
    That doesnt meen we all have to call you Sir from now on. 😆


    Frontlines is out on Friday.. anyone getting it?

    Just getting the TBYB version right now

    *opens arms for hugs*


    Yep i will be purchasing it on the back of a mothersday pressie for the missus. 😉

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