COD 4 ETUK server

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    Will give it a blast 😀


    lol Mouse, seeing as they kicked me mate, im on there server as =xdc= sally now, so ul have to change the leaders name to that 😉 😆


    Yep i will be purchasing it on the back of a mothersday pressie for the missus.

    Have to say thats a lil disturbing mate, Isnt it incestuous to marry your mother? 😈

    p.s. yeah.. not gonna buy this one just yet, will see how TBYB plays before I do.. me mates been playing demo on 360 and he loves it, but saying that the gameplay would be new to him so I’d expect him to enjoy it.. probably in awe like I was ehn I first played 1942.. ahh the days


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Yep i will be purchasing it on the back of a mothersday pressie for the missus.

    Have to say thats a lil disturbing mate, Isnt it incestuous to marry your mother? 😈

    p.s. yeah.. not gonna buy this one just yet, will see how TBYB plays before I do.. me mates been playing demo on 360 and he loves it, but saying that the gameplay would be new to him so I’d expect him to enjoy it.. probably in awe like I was ehn I first played 1942.. ahh the days

    Mothers Day pressie from my son to the Missus.

    You really need to get out more 😆 .


    i agree with maxine, ETUK are a bunch of cunts, or at least have quite a few cuntish members.

    Wolf, you’ve never seem them complain about camping spawns as they’re the fuckwits doing it. Their idea of playing is once they’ve managed to take all the flags is to camp the flag that opponents spawn at, dig themselves in and kill the instant anyone spawns to rack up kills of 80+. It isn’t semi random spawns on domination as you think.

    Sorry lads, not my idea of a decent clanserver. Wolf is right, though, they pay for the server, their rules, it’s just i’ll be avoiding it like the plague from now on.


    I like it when your on there side and they’ve got 1 of 3 flags, and they all sit there and when you question them they remind you that they are protecting the flag.

    And yes, i know its their server, which is why I tend to go elsewhere now; unless a majority of XDC is on there.

    XDC Erratic-Space

    Where else are people playing now then? Anyone got some good I.Ps?

    When I first picked up the game I’d jump on the R.I.P server which seemed alright.


    you all annoy me for playing on others servers.. get on XDC and test the lag for pharts! From the amount posting it looks like theres enough of you to do so for 5 mins.. unless your all contecnt of moving to Rackage in the future?

    If the latter I’ll get off me tricycle


    mike i dont know if it works well when imon but i have had no issues with the server, although i have seen some ghosting and shite nut chalk that up to my isp so i cant really help.


    No worries John, It seems Rackage are on the cards soon so no rush to test


    I can honestly say I think we have tried our best on server, when we’ve had 6-8 of us on TS, filling up someone elses server, we’ve gone over to ours.

    We’ve had some good games, but everyone has experienced mass lag spikes, all at the same time, or been forced off due to it being virtually unplayable.


    Aye maybe so.. but the point was there was no testing and results giving to OP/wolf to send back to Multiplay as they requested.. going on and saying it lags.. we all knew that 🙂

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