COD 4 Review

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    Got this yesterday (Before my purchased copy comes out for PC release incase anyones watching)

    Havnt played the MP as got no Live and bought it on PC for that reason, anyhoos the SP is superb… Its intense and the GFX are gawjuss.. The sniper mission is brill.. theres utter satisfaction with the weapons in this game.. the silenced M24 is awesome, I was shooting what I thought was a blokes head (when in fact it was his shaddow on the wall).. anyhoos the rifle and bullets made no noise and luckily he didnt hear a thing.

    I was even impressed with the controls, I dont normally like FPS games with console controllers.. but this worked well.. very accurate and on low setting was ample enough.. better than Halo thats fo sure

    I fully recomend this game to all 10/10


    I think it’s out Friday isn’t it?

    Played the demo again over the weekend and as much as I liked it and am looking forward to it playing the CoD4 demo and then the Crysis demo back to back doesn’t do CoD4 any favours.


    Yeah it is mate, I’m impatient 🙂

    Crysis makes you upgrade PC to play.. COD4 doesnt 🙂

    I’ll have a go of the demo for crysis later though.. if I can get off COD4


    too many good looking games all getting released at the same time. bad move if you ask me




    Ordered mine 🙂 looking forward to it.


    I believe I am playing the best Single Player FPS game EVER! (My mates agree too)

    It is visually stunning, intense and makes you feel like your part of it, did the best Sniper mission in any game I’ve come across last night.. everything about it is brilliant.. guillie suits acctually work.. even when a BMP and about 15 soldiers are walking past you.. and I meen litterally.. like at arms length away even closer..

    This game deserves to be bought.. cant wait to try MP out

    IGN says Outstanding and give it 9.4


    Just read the IGN review, that’s me definitely not bothering with multiplayer on this game. I’ll be giving my copy to a mate as soon as I’ve done the single player campaign I reckon.


    @sickofitall wrote:

    Just read the IGN review, that’s me definitely not bothering with multiplayer on this game. I’ll be giving my copy to a mate as soon as I’ve done the single player campaign I reckon.

    cant be arsed reading it soia, sumary on mp plz 😉


    @nOm wrote:

    @sickofitall wrote:

    Just read the IGN review, that’s me definitely not bothering with multiplayer on this game. I’ll be giving my copy to a mate as soon as I’ve done the single player campaign I reckon.

    cant be arsed reading it soia, sumary on mp plz 😉

    The mp sounds like BF2 on steroids. I’ll defo order this for SP and see how the MP feels after that.


    @Wipers wrote:

    @nOm wrote:

    @sickofitall wrote:

    Just read the IGN review, that’s me definitely not bothering with multiplayer on this game. I’ll be giving my copy to a mate as soon as I’ve done the single player campaign I reckon.

    cant be arsed reading it soia, sumary on mp plz 😉

    The mp sounds like BF2 on steroids. I’ll defo order this for SP and see how the MP feels after that.

    oh fuck !

    Edit…can we not turn all the wank stuff off server side?


    From reading it.. to me it sounds more like CS:S and a lil RO thrown in i.e. It has a Hardcore setting where theres no HUD and one shot kills you see… hopefully no crosshairs
    SOIA did say theres options R us to have the server run it the way you want.. I’m still waiting for multiplay to add it so i can have a look

    Ignore Wipers for once, he’s a 2142 fan afterall.. and if its not BF2142 its crap 😆 😉


    @nOm wrote:

    @sickofitall wrote:

    Just read the IGN review, that’s me definitely not bothering with multiplayer on this game. I’ll be giving my copy to a mate as soon as I’ve done the single player campaign I reckon.

    cant be arsed reading it soia, sumary on mp plz 😉

    People who play longest win.

    That’s right, it appears to have stupid bloody unlocks. So, some LeGit like cockend will be able to shoot through walls when you can’t, have a better scope on their gun, hide themselves off the minimap when you are visible and no doubt do all other fancy crap simply because the tit has spent 18 hours straight on the game. No doubt with his duds over his head tugging off because he’s only got 10 more hours will he gets a laser sighted pistol or some shite like that.

    Am I really the only person who thinks these weapon unlocks are the most stupid idea ever in multiplayer FPS?!?

    The people who have played most have an advantage as it is because you learn the game mechanics and most importantly you learn the maps, isn’t that enough? This whole stat chasing and getting unlocks is everything I hate about mp games.

    Whatever happened to just playing a game because you enjoy it eh? Eeeh, kids today. Quite frankly, I fucking hate ’em. But that’s beside the point.


    can we not turn it off server side? fucking console generation get on my tits….unlocks = wank

    anyways dl now…try before you buy…..see gears of war for pc is on torrent sites also…wonder if thats worth a look


    Stats and unlocks have their places, but only if properly implemented. I downloaded the origional Halo PC game a month or so back to try out the multiplayer, but it was wank. TK’ing was more common than actually playing the game properly. If you’re going to spoil other players fun to get your kicks then you deserve to have some kind of penalties, and it used to be in the form of taking damage yourself (which I thought worked quite well). Sure it’s not very realistic, but it did the business.

    The trouble with stats and unlocks is that people do the sums and workout that TK’ing a team mate who was going to ‘steal’ the jet you wanted makes sense, since you’ll get more kills in the air. BF2 had this problem, and although 2142 was much better from a fairness POV, people still abused the system.

    But stats should be used by the server too. If you want to block players who have a TK level of 1% of all kills or higher then the admin should have that option. If you want to block players higher than rank X then you should have that option too. Or people with 50% of their kills with claymores, or who have spent too much time loan wolf, or who have been banned from X many servers.

    That’s how stats should be used.

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