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  • #17734

    There’s a new map in todays update, CTF_Well. It’s not really all that new, it’s just a slightly modified version of cp_well, and I think is a little too big for a ctf map, but sure we’ll see how it plays out. If you want to switch to the new map on the server it can be found above CTF_Well2 from the ingame admin menu, but be careful not to confuse it with Ctf_Well (note the small letters) which appears above 2fort. Ctf_Well is a really shit remake of the original well from tfc.


    alzir havent u got that mixed up?

    cp_well and ctf_well (comes with TF2 with the ctf one added on friday) they are new versions of well from TFC.

    ctf_well2 IS a remake of ctf_well from TFC

    and ctf-well is a remake of a quake/doom level I believe.


    ctf-well is a shit remake of the original (it does have that quake feel about though), ctf_well2 is a better polished remake, ctf_well_classic_b1 is the closest to an exact remake of it (but it’s not on our server).

    XDC Dutchman

    Confusion reigns!
    Much like it did on the 7thDR server friday night, playing Gravelpit, we had about 5 rats on red side and myself, 7thdr Bluesnake( I think ) and a few others playing blue. All of a sudden the rats abandon red ship leaving it 7 vs 2 and after a few minutes it was 7 vs 1 and then eventually 7 vs 0, and at no time did the server auto balance kick in
    Kinda embarrassing, but we totally ownded that round !


    sorry about that Dutchman… autobalance only kicks in if someone on the over balanced side dies which probably didn’t happen with 7 vs 2.

    XDC Dutchman

    Not too worry fella, I totally owned once the opposition was down to 0 😉
    You’re right about that auto balance, once the majority had left the other 2 just kept being killed and left and left us in that state

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