Custom Maps

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    Looking for some suggestions here for good custom maps that we could put on our server, any ideas?


    ooh look what I found 🙂

    Rock2 (complete with gas and all)

    I’ve taken a few others from that site as well that look interesting.

    rc_overwatch (though this one mightn’t work without a certain plugin)


    science and labor are pretty good. Labor isn’t the best looking but it plays well.

    Science =″ onclick=”;return false;

    Labor =″ onclick=”;return false;

    this new map Studio looks rather nice too.

    ZIP:” onclick=”;return false;
    RAR:” onclick=”;return false;

    Screenshots:” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;

    Egypt plays quite well too, bit like fastlane.″ onclick=”;return false;


    Gonzo had already put Labor on our server and while I haven’t played it I did think it would play well, so it’s definately one we’ll be trying. The others there I haven’t seen so I’m putting them on now to look at, cheers 🙂 Egypt might be a bit big though, it’s a 70 meg download, though the reviews in that thread are a good sign.

    I spent a lot of today looking for and installing a few other maps, and I’ve had some success. The one’s I mentioned above are all worth a go, and I’d like to see how they’ll play. Rock2 was the one I most looking forward to, but it’s not quite as polished as I’d hoped. The most annoying part of it is that the map gives you instructions to carry the intel back to “YOUR” base in order to activate the gas attack and this is actually a mistake. Just as in the original, when you took the key in their base to the gas in their base, you take the intel in their base to the gas chamber in THEIR base, so that will be confusing the first time anyone plays it. I also had a graphical glitch occur on the map which caused me to crash, but I’ve been having this issue for a while now anyway so I’d put it down to that for now. Apart from those two issues, it’s a great remake and I think we should at least try it while we wait for the second beta, due out in a few months.

    Avanti’s an odd concept, and I was able to get a game of it on another a server which wasn’t bad. Blue have to pick up the intel from the start and carry it to cp 1, once it reaches there you cap the point and a new intel appears at cp1, which you then take to cp2 and so on. There are several different routes to each cp, but I would still like to see how it plays with a full server as I have a feeling it could get congested in places.

    The District is another variation on ctf, with blue attacking to cap the intel, and red defending. I was a little disappointed with it when I first looked at it because the distance from the capture point to the intel is by no means great, but then I started looking at the defensive options, and then to the lines of attack and it became much more interesting. I’m slightly concerned that red could possibly camp blue into their starting position, but I’d need to see the map in action first. The creator describes the map as an offensive sniper, scout, and soldiers wetdream, and he’s right it is.

    rc_overwatch I finally got working, and it’s another soldiers wet dream. Again you’d need to play test it, but I could see this map being played at quite a pace. You don’t have to cap the points in any order on this map, so it would play along the lines of a battlefield map with four areas to capture and having to simultaneously defend all areas that you hold. There’s a weird addition of two build in teleports (which appear as whisps of smoke on a wall) but I guess these will work to the maps benefit. Overall it’s well made and definately worth a try.

    The classic 2fort’s a replica of the tfc version, just with an improved atmosphere outseide, it’s probably not one to bother a lot with.

    Some other maps I’ve found and installed:

    Well2 – the map we used to have on our old server. It’s almost an exact remake of the old well map in tfc, just has a better flag room, and it was always popular on the server in the past so it’s back.

    CTF_Impact2 – I’ve seen this played on some match demo’s so it’s obviously got some proper playtesting, and it’s potentially the best map I found today.

    CTF_Chaos – Looks good and well balanced, with a big area in the middle which should provide some epic fights. There’s a really short route to the intel along the top of the map though, so it’ll be important to setup defence quickly, but it could get annoying if you don’t have enough players concentrating on defence (could say that about any map though).

    cp_Warpath2 – I think most of us have played this on other servers, or at least v1 of it. It can get a little bogged down on the final two points, but normally that’s just caused by that instant spawn crap.

    I’ve no thoughts of putting these on the rotation but they’re good for practice and mucking about on if it’s late some night or the servers just not filling.

    CTF_BBall – designed for 3v3 soldiers, it’s a basketball court with the intel placed in the middle and a basketball hoop at either end of the court. You rocket jump the soldiers to land on top of the hoop to score by slamdunking the intel. Quite good fun, and it’s brilliant practice for a soldier, especially rocket jumps and mid air shots.

    Duel_duel2 – An arena to fight 1v1 in, used for 1v1 tournaments on various sites.

    Duel_parallel – Same as above but has 3 arenas cut off from each other, so you could have three 1v1’s going at once.


    PL_Cave_B4 great little Payload Map wot I played last night.

    someones converted Dustbowl to be a payload map too.


    Was looking at Dustbowl the other day and thinking it could be converted quite easily 🙂 I’ll get that cave map on the rotation and check it out, cheers.


    Found another good one today from a demo I was watching, ctf_geothermal_b2.

    We need to setup a custom map night sometime soon, the ones we had on tonight were a massive hit.


    avanti was a cracking map. we need more custom maps and less of the typical. its the best way to attract new blood 😉


    Oh definitely, and I’d love to make them a regular feature. It’s just a pain in the arse when a load of people have to download the same map because you always lose numbers. You get some who can’t be arsed downloading it, but we had a few disconnects tonight when a custom map loaded and the server looked deserted as I was the only opposition :(.

    It might help if I make a post with links to all the maps for manual download, then at least a few more of us will be on the map immediately when it switches. I’ll do that tomorrow.


    you can set the server to upload them to the clients at full speed, less likely to lose people then. I play on a payload map only server quite a bit with this setup (they state on a pop up message that map downloads are full speed, so people don’t assume they are slow and drop at the first sign of a custom) All the maps are custom on this server (all bar Goldrush) and it’s usually full and each came down in less than 2 minutes. Haven’t noticed it go laggy when people join a few minutes after start either.
    Also I’m not sure, but I think they came down zipped rather than just a regular .bsp map file (tar or bz2 ??) which might explain the speed aswell. I presume that TF2 knows how to unpack them or just load them from the archive.

    No idea how you set that up though.


    Aye Gonzo’s been able to set maps up to download quickly from Rackage and it seems to be working ok, it’s just during those first couple of minutes that you seem to lose the odd person. Not too bad i suppose, and given time it’ll not affect things at all.


    yeah. its just a question of time. I people check to see its custom maps then they wont mind. And also those who get impatient probably aint worth being there in the first place ;). Few more suggestions: hang em high (i think its called) mad walkways everywhere which is great fun if the admin drops the gravity and I seem to remember that zig zag isnt to bad. I need to look into more names


    Might have been the numbers but the custom maps didn’t work out as well tonight, though still fun, they seemed too big. I think also some tweaking needs done to the vote system as we kept switching tonight just as people were joining a map, and when it changed they left.

    Some confusion over Avanti when it came on too but I think everyone had it figured out in the end. Did discover tonight that if you enter the blue spawn area as red you start taking damage, like when you go out of bounds in battlefield games, and die if you don’t back out again.


    @Alzir wrote:

    Some confusion over Avanti when it came on too but I think everyone had it figured out in the end. Did discover tonight that if you enter the blue spawn area as red you start taking damage, like when you go out of bounds in battlefield games, and die if you don’t back out again.

    I didn’t have it figured out in the end 😛

    I was just running around trying to find someone to kill 😀

    crazy hippo

    @WiZZyWiGG wrote:

    @Alzir wrote:

    Some confusion over Avanti when it came on too but I think everyone had it figured out in the end. Did discover tonight that if you enter the blue spawn area as red you start taking damage, like when you go out of bounds in battlefield games, and die if you don’t back out again.

    I didn’t have it figured out in the end 😛

    I was just running around trying to find someone to kill 😀

    i really enjoyed avanti. a nice change of gameplay with the one side trying to take the package to the other end while the other team trys to stop them.

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