Doc – advice if you don’t mind :)

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  • #15746

    Everyone else seems to ask for a consultation, so I’m going to join in if you don’t mind too much 🙂

    I’ve had bell’s Palsy since Monday, and it’s really pissing me off. I’m spending hours in front of the mirror trying to move muscles that just refuse to budge. Is there any point doing this? Is it beneficial?

    I find also I’m getting a lot of twitches which make my lip and eye feel like they’re compltely spazzing out, but when I look in the mirror they’re barely dicernable – is this good, bad or just normal?

    Ta for your time xx


    Since this is a medical thread here’s my story

    On Wednesday night I was in a right state, I had terrible stomach cramps. At some point in the early hours I went to the toilet and had the shits in a big way. But, this is the truly impressive bit. Whilst sitting their doing the business I suddenly started throwing up all over the place. So I was emptying my bowels from both ends at the same time. It was metal

    By the way even though I’ve still got terrible stomach cramps I’m not asking for Docs advice though. As you’ve no doubt gathered I’m far too rock n roll for that.


    You were emptying your bowels through your mouth??? Ewwww, I know some of the lads on here spew shit, but bleughhhhh… 😆

    By the way, are you the midget on the right or the stripey ballbag enclosed gent on the left?

    xdc magicker

    i friend of mine had it and was told just to wait it out 🙁


    Feck 🙁 How long had he to wait it out for? I don’t want to look like this for months!!
    Vic says the best cure is lots of sex without foreplay and loads of BJs for him, somehow I think he’s lying though 😕

    XDC MadHippy

    I think Vic’s answer is absolutely correct. In fact I’m gonna suggest that ‘therapy’ to the girlfiend on my return home from the office !!

    😀 😀


    Hell im gonna go so far as to make my face droop at the edges too just so i can try it!!

    Tess the mother in law had this a few months back and she’s slowly put her face back together… but it does take time and yes you do need to do the excercises you’ve been told to do (as doing ur own can be bad for the muscles i believe – if u manipulate them wrong i mean)

    So Vic has a point to a degree… lots of sex WILL help…. but it has to be you pulling all the funny faces instead of him!!

    Sorry Vic 😀

    xdc the doc

    Hi Tess.

    You need to see your GP ASAP – there is an 80% spontaneous resolution of bells palsy over a few months in the general population – but this increases to about 95% if you are treated with high dose steroids initially – ideally in the first 72 hours… its pointless after a week.

    If you are too late for the steroids just wait it out and time will tell. The weird feelings in your face ar ejust because the nerve isnt working right.

    Blowjobs are NOT contraindicated – but you may dribble a bit due to the weakness on one side of your mouth.


    I went to the doctor, got the steriods already, was just hoping for some magic cure lol.

    As to the blowjobs, by dribbling do you mean I am under Dr’s orders to swallow? Vic is really going to love you 😆

    xdc the doc

    What???? You mean you aint swallowing already?

    You know it makes sense…. and pass the message on to all your girlfriends 😈

    XDC MadHippy

    @xdc the doc wrote:

    What???? You mean you aint swallowing already?

    You know it makes sense…. and pass the message on to all your girlfriends 😈

    Yay! Christmas has come early this year ! oops , so have I 😳 😳

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