Doc can you help me out..

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    ok at the moment iv been told to take
    co – codamol 500mg p /30 mg c 3 every 4 hours,
    500 mg amoxicillin 4 times a day
    2 2mg diazepam at night but im allowed to take more if needed
    and a few 400mg ibuprofane.

    this combination is shit, i enjoy how stoned it makes me feel but the pain relief isnt too good, can you recomend any other painkillers that i could ask about? my docs said the next step up would be morphine but for obvious resons i diddnt see this as a good idea.

    any help appreciated


    I ve got no idea what these are for but what s wrong m8?


    Looks like a potent mix to me 😥 😥 😥

    And in strong doses too !!

    What’s the matter mate?


    @=XDC=Munkee wrote:

    ok at the moment iv been told to take
    co – codamol 500mg p /30 mg c 3 every 4 hours,
    500 mg amoxicillin 4 times a day
    2 2mg diazepam at night but im allowed to take more if needed
    and a few 400mg ibuprofane.

    this combination is shit, i enjoy how stoned it makes me feel but the pain relief isnt too good, can you recomend any other painkillers that i could ask about? my docs said the next step up would be morphine but for obvious resons i diddnt see this as a good idea.

    any help appreciated

    codamol are strong painkillers that contain paracetamol (sp)
    amoxicillin penicillin.
    diazepam are sleeping pills. *very very addictive* use with extreme caution
    ibuprofen are anti inflammatories.

    You will not be able to get much better than what you are atm m8.

    There is only 1 step up from there and that is morphine.

    Are you taking the codamol and ibuprofen at the same time? *eat just before you take them*

    Reason i ask it that most of the time its the swelling that is causing most of the pain. If you take the both together then you kill the pain and the swelling goes down… This should give you longer less painful times through the day. If you take them separate you get nest to no pain relief

    *EDIT* after taking the penicillin for 4 days if you have no improvement get back to the doc asap.


    just been back to the docs and hes put my on tramadol hydrochloride, got to go back in the morning to see if theres somthing in my ear coz its fucked, somthing really isnt right. spent the weekend in some kind or painkiller induced stoned stuper, its been fun but the pain is driving me nuts. 🙁


    damb but thats some list m8

    hope they figure out whats wrong so they can sort it for you m8

    xdc the doc

    Hmmm – sounds odd to say the least.

    I would have suggested tramadol too – but take with 8 paracetamol daily and your anti inflammatories.

    There is an anti inflammatory thats stronger than brufen called voltaren that I would probably try you on as well.

    Ear infections are pretty sore…. but with all the moaning you are doing you are either a) a complete wuss… or b) have something decidedly strange going on in your ear.


    yeah the doc has taken a swab and put me on tramadol, diclofenac, diazepam ( hes now saying i can take up to 5 to try and help me sleep, only been able to get 3 hours worth of sleep before the pain killers ware off) and erythromycin.
    Iv been takeing amoxicillin for the past week and it hasent even touched it, im still getting liquid coming out of my ear. fuck knows, the swab results should be back in a couple of days 😕

    Its strange, iv had ear ache in the past but nothing anywhere near this bad or for this long.

    The doc also said there wasnt a single blister or boil thing in my ear causing it but the whole ear was a fucking mess, i think he,s a bit lost as well. anyway lets hope a switch in anti biotics clears it up.

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