E.O.D release……

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  • #16253
    XDC wild egg tamer


    first release is on Friday………. 😀 gimme the hueys 8)


    Looks purdy.

    But i want fh2 damnit!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    me too messy, but in the mean time a huey will suffice 😛



    I just looked at the fh2 site to get an update and…..

    Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope 2. This week we have an exciting announcement: The Forgotten Hope team recently closed a multi-million dollar deal with Starbucks Corporation, Microsoft Corporation and Intel Corporation to provide a unique in-game advertising experience to all our players!

    This system, unlike others, will beam historically accurate, unintrusive and high quality advertisements direct into the battlefield, creating a level of immersion never before seen in a videogame! Not to mention, it will keep us developers in hootch, hunnies, and juepa for the years to come! We can now even afford to send our developers on long-haul caribbean holidays!

    Without further ado, we present in-game screenshots of this system in action.

    First off i thought what an immersion killer…. The game looks farking fantastic but ww2 era game with starbucks and vista signs…. Eeerrrrmmmmmm wtf.
    And then this

    This system, unlike others, will beam historically accurate, unintrusive and high quality advertisements direct into the battlefield

    Ummm hold on there a mo…… Historically accurate…… How the hell is advertising a micro shit product going to be historically accurate? Another worry is the how they are going to have them in there… Are they going to be a constant game coded thing? Or maybe they are going to do the thing that 2142 has with the spyware type gizmo.

    But then i thought a screw it, i don’t mind seeing them. After all these guys create a mod that is good that it is how the original game should play. They also do it for fark all. So power to them, get some money for your rewards guys.

    P.S. Now that you have some money through advertising, hire some more techys so you can finish the bloody thing 🙂

    XDC wild egg tamer


    you may wanna check the date that was posted m8 😉 a lot of the mods done similar things 😆 😆


    Oh dear, Messy! lollers 😆


    I’m going to install this EOD even if it means reloading BF2. Give ME the Hueys.


    😆 @ Messy

    But a better April Fools would have been to actually specify a release date. Then no one would have been fooled. 🙄


    lmfao messy you nobber!

    FH2 does look sexual.. I might try EOD.. I love the hueys!

    Might even bring out the Lectrix if he can use is dumdelbockdelroy knife!

    *fingers crossed for this and hopefully a nice server will be found*

    xdc magicker


    xdc magicker

    anyway fuck FH

    this EOD looks bloody good !!!! roll on friday


    EOD looks pretty swish, or possibly even fandabydozi.

    I guess I’ll be installing BF2 for some hot, sweaty jungle action over the weekend. Please feel free to interpret that anyway you want.


    Oh cock.

    Thats just ghey…. They should have taken it off after april the first… bastids.


    oh that should be fun 🙂

    oh and LOL @ Messy 😀


    EOD on friday that sound goooood

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