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    so i was sitting in my lounge watchin a bit of tv thgis morning when everything went a bit wobbly, thought the gf had fallen out of the shower but turned out it was an earthquake. livin in lancaster n all we are only a couple of miles from the epicenter


    Cumbria was struck by a magnitude 3.7 earthquake today at 10:22 UTC (11:22 BST). Detailed analysis by the British Geological Survey shows that the epicentre was 5km southeast of Ulverston in south Cumbria.

    The earthquake has been felt widely across Cumbria and Lancashire.

    “An earthquake of this size occurs somewhere in the UK roughly every year. It is unlikely to have caused significant damage.” said Brian Baptie from the British Geological Survey.

    This is the largest earthquake in the region since a magnitude 4.4 earthquake struck Lancaster in 1835, which caused some minor damage. More recently, a magnitude 3 earthquake occurred near Grange-Over-Sands in 1993.

    The following preliminary information is available for this earthquake:

    DATE : 28 April 2009
    ORIGIN TIME : 10:22 09.6s UTC
    LAT/LON : 54.167° North / 3.017 ° West
    GRID REF : 333.61 kmE / 475.07 kmN
    DEPTH : 8.8 km
    MAGNITUDE : 3.7 ML
    LOCALITY : Ulverston, Cumbria
    COMMENTS : Felt across Cumbria and Lancashire


    Saw this on the bbc site and thought of you!

    Did you read this in the local paper in October?

    Cartmel Cumbria UK 10 To 16 Objects

    Date: October 11, 2008
    Time: Approx: 10:30 p.m.

    Location of Sighting: Cartmel Cumbria.
    Number of witnesses: 2
    Number of objects: 10 – 16
    Shape of objects: Round.

    Full Description of event/sighting: I was driving into Cartmel Cumbria UK at approx 22:30 when I saw about 12 circular objects flying below a low cloud base in formation. My wife was with me. We stopped the car to observe. The objects maintained their formation and continued in an easterly direction. They seemed to go up through the cloud until the orangish light was obscured by the cloud. Shortly after 4 more similar objects followed in formation – silently. Another car stopped to observe but I didn’t speak to the other driver.

    …Err these were Chinese lanterns at my parents party!!


    lol turks. how come you never made it up for easter? was a good day spoilt by the fact i had to get back to lancaster to go to work that night.


    Oooo we should get a room!

    I was never told about the family going up, and then my lady friend invited me to hers, so went there… would have been good to have gone 🙁

    Will have to do Christmas instead!


    Rang me dad to ask if God was punishing Ulverston for putting up and worshipping statues of false idols,

    He was in the cellar putting away some tools, when the quake struck.

    Knew nowt about it till I told him, and all he said was I remember the lights flickering and all the dog in the area going nuts when I came back up stairs.


    Re: Earthquake

    thought the gf had fallen out of the shower

    She that big? If not maybe edit this incase she reads it, you know how women are with complexes n sheet!


    na she aint big at all but its a bath shower so if you fall you tend to do a flip onto the floor over the side of the bath 😳 . it was that kinda sound followed by a really low rumble. tv started shakin on the table along with all the plates in the cupbord rattling. strang untill i figured what it was. quickly had a look at the british geological servay site seismograph for penrith and that was showing a quake.

    first one iv felt as i slept through the last one to hit grange.


    Good save of relationship 😉

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