Funniest Fight evar!

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    when the guy he hits starts coming after him at the end when he starts running for it is the best.


    😆 nice find Hampster 😈 ………….it made me laugh,,,,,,,,,, while sitting naked drinking my coffee reading the forum with nOm on my knee 😕 😕 😕 😈 😕 :?,,,


    You got nOm there to help with the smallprint, Daz? Good thinkin’!

    It is funny to watch (the video! :lol:) but it reminds me of a sad case in my town which made it to national news earlier this year. Bored mothers were videoing their toddlers fighting and goading them on to more and to have revenge etc. One kid in particular was crying and just wanted someone to protect him. Obviously he’s a wuss but he was the youngest there and had only just learned to walk.

    Ice-hockey is a bit sad really. Pad up and act tough? No, that doesn’t work. Take that shit off and let’s see what ya got! :twisted:.



    @Mr.Fenix wrote:

    It is funny to watch (the video! :lol:) but it reminds me of a sad case in my town which made it to national news earlier this year. Bored mothers were videoing their toddlers fighting and goading them on to more and to have revenge etc. One kid in particular was crying and just wanted someone to protect him. Obviously he’s a wuss but he was the youngest there and had only just learned to walk.

    Ice-hockey is a bit sad really. Pad up and act tough? No, that doesn’t work. Take that shit off and let’s see what ya got! :twisted:.


    Yeah. I saw something like that in the news. I think one of the little boys was getting a beating (?!?!?!) from a little girl, and his mum was calling him a sissy and a pansy. WTF?

    Although this hockey fight reminds me of one I had when I used to go rollerskating after school when I was about 8. Me and this kid had a fight and I decided to ambush him by throwing myself down in front of him as he skated into the hall. My ruse worked, however about five other kids behind him crashed into and ontop of us and I got told off for being naughty 😳

    You should watch adults hockey Fenix. When a fight the helmet and the gloves come off. Always a good laugh. 😆


    @Mr.Fenix wrote:

    You got nOm there to help with the smallprint, Daz? Good thinkin’!


    😆 😉 I did say sorry 🙄


    Thats the same fight as what happens by those who play BF2142!


    p.s. Do hockey players often fight teammates?


    The joke in Canada is:

    “Sometimes you go to watch a fight and a hockey game breaks out!”

    I think there’s actually a rule that if you throw a punch you’ve gotta take your gloves off first!


    Well I’m glad to hear it! But I haven’t seen it done properly. Usually very Keystone Cops or whatever.


    Lol That was well worth watching, RUN FORREST RUN!!!!!

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