Group Policy

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  • #16949
    XDC MadHippy

    Any Group policy gurus out there?

    I need to create a policy to lock down a single domain user

    It needs to be zero access except for one secure interent explorer link

    Any ideas?

    Been on this fookin thing all day – Nearly there but there must be a simpler way.

    It will not be machine specific (which is a shame as it would be easier)


    Tough one. There’s a few ways of denying access totally but the exception is the problem.

    Could try enforcing a proxy server that doesnt exist, and then specifying the website where the link is as an exception.

    User Configuration > internet Explorer Maintenance > Connection > Proxy Settings

    Check “enable proxy settings”, put in fake IP address, then uncheck ‘Do not use proxy server for Local (intranet) addresses.

    You could then add the server address where the secure link is to the exceptions list. Problem is they could probably browse to other pages on the excepted server.

    If you got really clever you could set up the fake proxy server address to point to a real page which says ‘Fook off – no internet for you mate!’

    Let me know if you crack this one….


    Which server platform you connecting to?? If it’s 2000/2003 I can probably help you out


    i had a good search round, couldnt find an answer the group policy way.

    there be a few software soloutions if u can get ure co to stump up the £

    Create a table of “Allowed” HTTP Sites which users are allowed access to (e.g. Intranet, Project specific sites, course specific sites)
    Create a table of “Blocked” HTTP Sites which users are not allowed to access (e.g. Games , Adult Material or known inappropriate sites)

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