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    I know, nobody missed me…..

    Hi again – been away in the real world for a while. Then got completely bloody confused by broken shortcuts, temp forums, and general can’t-be-arsedness.

    What are people playing at the moment? Not had my butt handed to me on a plate for a while now.


    Hi m8, 😀 good to here from you again. We seem to be fragmented at the moment. Some are playing TF2, one or two are trying to revive BF2142. Me nOm and Daz are playing an RO mod ( Darkest Hour) which if you like realism is absolutely brilliant. The rest are just wondering around the forums. There was one moment that we were all together when we were playing COD4.


    *cough” TF2 😆

    Yea we’re pretty much all over the place at the moment, but I’m trying to get things organised on the TF2 front if you fancy matches and the like. It’s different from what you’re probably used to though, but it’s the best balanced class game I’ve ever played. If you’re able to get past the unrealism thing and understand it’s just a very well designed game, you’ll find there’s a ton of depth to it, but each to their own 🙂

    And good to see you again….although now I’m annoying myself again trying to remember who wrote those damn lensman books again, and what the story was again!


    I’m playing bf1942 DC mod* but as you were always crap** im sure you’re not interested.

    Hello and regards

    *a lie
    ** the truth


    Lo mate, nice to see you.

    Having house messed up by builders so PC, xbox, PS3 are all covered unused, which hurts 🙁

    Anyhoos I was playing Darkest Hour mod on RO, best mod I’ve played in years before and will go back to it once house is in none dusty mode, you just cant beat WW2 era for gaming

    xdc magicker

    hey m8

    all should be well now

    i notice that someone has snapped up xdcuk.net… maybe it was worth something after all…


    @Alzir wrote:

    now I’m annoying myself again trying to remember who wrote those damn lensman books again, and what the story was again!

    EE “Doc” Smith was the chap. Usual story of good vs evil – 2 bunches of super beings with mental powers, one lot helping the good guys, the others your stereotypical bad guys. A good yarn, but it’s got to have been over 20 years since I read them. I’m almost afraid to read them again in case they tun out to be a pile of crap after all this time.

    And Silvers – harsh, but true mate 😉

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