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  • #16889

    Hi all,

    Was harking back to the good old days of lowering average scores and decided to check on you all after a brief (3 year or so) leave of absence.

    Just look at how many of you are still going strong, spunker, wipers, turks, egg …etc etc.

    Just about got back into a little online gaming (mostly Call of Duty 2 realism mods). Don’t get to devote much time to it as I’ve got a kid now. Little boy called Lewis who takes up more time than I thought possible and appears to be able to function on 25 minutes of sleep a week.

    soooo 3 years, what have I missed?



    Crikey.. are you Digits wife, he just reappeared recently too ๐Ÿ˜€

    Welcome back fella, nice to see you doing well.. hope your looking forward to COD4!


    “hope your looking forward to COD4!”

    A little but I am mildly addicted to ww2 genre.

    Got high hopes fro Forgotten Hope 2.


    Yays… Stan the man is in my fan base! Great to have you back!

    CoD is indeed awesome… havent played anything for a while though… writing my diss which is almost as fun!


    A little but I am mildly addicted to ww2 genre.

    I suggest Red Orchestra then mate.. we have our own server n all ๐Ÿ™‚

    I too am looking forward to FH2.. if it ever arrives that is :/



    Not a lot :O Battlefield has got progressively buggier and attracted more retards and XDC have gotten more hypocritical. The people who don’t bother posting so much are still top blokes, it just those that do bother to post often are typically muppets.


    Jesus Legit… you are really testing me here… I’ve managed to hold my (proverbial) tongue all this time… but you are really pushing it.

    Ive met you before, you seemed like a nice enough chap… i even suggested you join XDC (about 6 months ago)… however, im not sure how much more of this wantant baiting I can take! Yes its coming from both sides, but its pretty clear who is in the wrong in the case of this thread. These are my friends you are talking about, and this is our site… so rather than coming to our (proverbial) home, and pissing in our (proverbial) kettle (I have a mate who used to do that at tea parties!)… can you please just stop rising to the bait, chill out, smoke a (proverbial) pipe, and change the channel to some (proverbial) porn!


    Lo Stan – how’s things? ๐Ÿ™‚ XDC is still pretty much the same xdc as before except bigger! Still playing Battlefield (2142). Its a good laugh on the server. Drop in sometime!


    Maybe, but it’s gonna cost you รƒฦ’ร†โ€™รƒยขรขโ€šยฌร…ยกรƒฦ’รขโ‚ฌลกรƒโ€šร‚ยฃ12 and a recording of kikkoman ๐Ÿ˜›


    HI STAN!!!!!

    Nice to see your alive……………….ish.

    Please ignore legit hes a bit of a twat, no hang on…………… he IS a twat but we have to let a few in otherwise we get done for discrimination and stuff like that….. equal rights and all that.

    But as wipers kindly said XDC is still here, alive and kicking and stranger than ever!! Hope to play with you soon!!!! (yep, sexual pun there if you didnt notice)

    ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€


    *waves from NZ* ๐Ÿ˜€


    Blimey, is it friends reunited week or something?

    Hey Stan, good to see you again. Get Star-Wars Kid back as your avatar and it’ll be like you were never gone ๐Ÿ˜‰


    bloody hell it is like I never left.


    Insane, Liking the look of Red Orchastra, played it a bit when it wa first out as an Unreal Mod but haven’t looked since.
    vic, you remembed my avatar! ๐Ÿ˜€
    judge, NZ! niiiiice (tries to set judge alight with the power of jealousy)
    legit, please don’t kill me I have a kid and yes stantm ๐Ÿ˜‰
    turks, what you writing your diss on?

    Also have Airwaves got a new album out yet?


    hi stan ๐Ÿ™‚

    xdc is still recovering from that faithfull day that you spugs and myself joined ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol


    I am looking in to an ESF funded scheme aiming to improve (via empowering) the employability of socially excluded people in Gloucestershire.

    Basically it is working to some degree, but they are fucking around with conflicting empowerment theories and so its not working on a scale that it should be…

    Its all a load of red tape gayness in the anus.

    What are you doing with yourself these days?

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