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  • #19267

    I can’t believe there’s not been a post about this here, especially when things like Yip Man II, Sucker man, and Iron Man 2 get a thread. Has noone here actually gone to see Inception, or is it just so obviously good that noone felt the need to write something about it?

    This looked like it was worth seeing from the trailer, and everyone I’ve spoken to, who’s opinion I respect when it comes to films, has been telling me it’s as good as it looks. I was scared to see it because I was believing the hype, but I needn’t have worried, it was brilliant. For me it’s an action thriller in the same bracket as The Matrix, or the Bourne Trilogy, but possibly better because Inception was just so elegant. That’s probably the best way of describing the film actually, an elegant presentation of a complex plot. Nothing new in the concept or anything, but I’ve never seen it all brought together so well.

    Oh and another thing. sas Christopher Nolan ever made a bad film? That’s Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and Mememto I’ve seen from him now, and all are brilliant. Inception has elements of them all, but is his best yet imho.

    If anyone’s seen the film, it’s the kind of thing you could talk about all day, but try and keep discussion behind spoiler tags. I’d hate to have seen this with any hints on what the film was about.

    [spoiler:2aoxmyt5]Considering the standard of birds in the film, how did they manage to make this without getting any tits out, especially given the dream theme :([/spoiler:2aoxmyt5]


    Yip Man > than this


    it was alright, nowt to write home about


    @11thSignal wrote:

    it was alright, nowt to write home about


    At the risk of falling for a troll, what did you not like about this film? It’s the best film I’ve seen within certainly the last 10 years, if not longer, and there are very few criticisms I could make of it.


    Gotcha !! I actually did enjoy this movie! but there are flaws which this chap on youtube points out (bit geeky watching an online review but meh)




    although I just got maniac to open the link over TS. funny.


    lol, sorry mate couldn’t resist!


    Wolf, you are a ginger…end of.

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