intro movies…

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2142 intro movies…

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  • #15206
    XDC wild egg tamer

    Any idea how to stop the game playing those intro movies ? I’ve renamed them from .bik to .old, i’ve added extra letters to the names so that intro is now called iintro etc i’ve even placed them into another folder but still the damn movies play 😈
    I know that EA/Dice want to advertise their name but ffs i know who they are! I don’t need reminding it was them who produced the game…i just want to get in and play the bloody thing.
    I do recall there was a command you could put at the end of the command line; something like restart+1……any ideas what it is and if it works or indeed any other ideas how to remove those damn movies.


    You have to rename the movies folder.

    Thats what I did and it worked 😀

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i’l try that…cheers matey….going into our server now if you fancy a quick game.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    nope, that didn’t work either……… also having probs connecting at the mo.


    It will work mate.. its the one in the mods folder!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    it didn’t work matey………..renamed the fucker to films instead of movies but the fucking things still play……….. 😯

    i’l try and remove the fucker completely

    sussed it….i seem to have 2 copies on my pc, 1 must still be the demo version i was testing sometime ago……..thought the fecker had been removed!

    will give it another go now.


    umm.. worked for me and every fooker else :/

    Try renaming it to gheyMovies.. thats what I did :/

    XDC wild egg tamer

    see above……i changed the names in the demo folder…doh!


    The files are .bik files.

    You need to look for a file like intro.bik, it will be in the same folder as all the other intro movies.

    Rename them all by adding a _ to the file extension so you get intro._bik etc.

    However, don’t rename the titan tutorial one.


    This path WeT:

    C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsBattlefield 2142modsbf2142Moviess

    Just add a “s” Works for all EA BF games…’42, BFV, BF2.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    yeah thanks guys…………the problem wasn’t with renaming etc it was to do with the fact i’ve still got the “test” BF2142 on my pc and i was changing the files in the wrong folder!! I’ve since sorted it and its all ok, i normally rename them .old instead of.bik but i guess anything will work.


    I just delete the little buggers after installing. noo problemo 😉
    worked for me since bf1942 8)


    go to, they have a good fix for it


    ooo ooo 1942… I might just reinstall it to watch and listen to the music of the intro.. It used to give me goosebumps!! loved it! 😀

    NO WAIT!!

    Ooo ooo…

    GET IN!!!

    feel the history.. THE HISTORY I TELLS YA!!


    now if they do a remake of BF1942 with the graphics they used in that intro my life would be complete! 😉

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