Lady gaga improved

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    I actually enjoyed the songs in this version


    Dunno what lady gaga you’ve been watching fella.. the one I know of is very talented albeit a tad odd 🙂


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Dunno what lady gaga you’ve been watching fella.. the one I know of is very talented albeit a tad odd 🙂

    That is almost as gay as me liking Glee…


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Dunno what lady gaga you’ve been watching fella.. the one I know of is very talented albeit a tad odd 🙂

    I see the lady gaga who leaves me felling cold inside with her ‘ ohh love me for my crazyness, see im wearing a strange hat arnt i crazy and wierd, love my oddness’ persona, it was done to death by bjork in the nineties and gaga is very similar but for the new misfit generation. Sure she has an ok voice and an nice arse (most impressive talent for the majority of straight men that have ever mentioned her to me) but talented? Well thats subjective.

    The version i posted made me smile, hell i actually laughed out load a few times where as gaga causes me to raise an eyebrow and sigh.


    Lady Gaga is one of those women at school who would have too much of a fringe and carry a teddy with her everywhere, even though she was 16. They loved people thinking they were weird as it validated their ‘kookiness’, as if proving they were individuals rather than ‘clones’ like the rest of us.

    Should you ever meet Lady Gaga, your best bet would be to treat her as if she’s completely normal, and if your in the presence of John Major, pretend that he’s like some weird guy who’s bucking trends and living on the edge.

    “Alright Gaga? We’re gonna grab something to eat at the local Harvester and then go to the disco at the Lambs Head, so you might want to wear something a bit more eye-catching and sparkly. No. You look lovely as is, but I’m just saying incase you wanna pull. Woah! It’s John Major! Jeeze that guy is totally out there! Just look at his shirt and tie! He just doesn’t care how others percieve him! What a visionary? Why you crying Gaga?”

    xdc magicker

    my fav gaga moment… X factor appearance..

    dermot: “what advice to you have for the contestants”
    gaga: (dressed as a cat while sat in a large bath out of breath) “just be yourself”


    having said that.. she has some annoyingly catchy tunes.

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