LCD Shutter 3D Glasses

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    Anyone ever had these?

    I’m interested but am afraid it’ll halve my already sad fps as it makes left and right images rather than just the one normal one.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    looks interesting……….and not expensive either.


    I’ve read a lot of fantastic reviews and rave reports about using it.

    Now I’m thinking how cool that would be with TrackIR…

    …I’d have to hide it all from my gf 🙄


    Anyone tried using a normal webcam with Cam2Pan in games? It can be arranged to control left-right head rotation ingame.


    These kind of glasses have been around for years, and frankly they are of little more than novelty value. Sure, when you put them on you do get a sense of depth, but it’s all a bit artificial and does not add much, if anything, to the gaming experience.

    I’ve lost track of the number of times these things have been at various trade shows, and I’ve always been underwhelmed by them. And this is coming from a bloke who used to make a living out of VR and stereo vision applications 🙂

    I would strongly recommend that you try a pair before buying, or make sure you can return if not satisfied.

    xdc magicker


    dont do it!!!!!

    i got a pair of these a fe years ago!! they are cool for 2 minuts and then fuck all use after that!!!

    the website who rave about them are all on commision – dont do it

    now dont get me wrong – the original battlefield looked so fucking fantastic with these on it really did feel like you were there – you could look aorund 3d models – it is amazing BUT…

    the crosshairs are now floating in mid air.. you cant aim and after a few mins you realise you cant actually play

    useless.. totally useless


    @=xdc= magicker wrote:

    the crosshairs are now floating in mid air.. you cant aim and after a few mins you realise you cant actually play

    Wouldnt matter if you were playing RO then!?


    magicker speaks the truth

    the rave reviews are clearly paid for and complete bollocks.

    they are one step up from those ‘3d’ glasses you see with different colour plastic as lenses

    seriously don’t buy them 🙁


    ok thanks 🙂


    Ditto to the above. I bought them about 5 years ago to play with OFP. After the inital ‘ooh my gun is in 3D!!’ you quickly realise the effect is just a gimmick – its doesnt add to the gameplay in any positive way. Its a trick – think about it – how do you get 3D from a 2D source? At least with corny 3D films from the 50s they actually filmed from 2 slightly different angles to generate the depth effect. Also it hurts your eyes after a while and you look a prick wearing the glasses.

    Snake oil. Avoid at all costs.


    lol at the suckers who actually bought them!

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