Lego Star Wars II or Saints Row?

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    Right, choices, Sane help me here mate.

    Due to it being me 3rd year wedding anniv. the wife is going against tradition and buying something leather, instead going for the option of a XBOX360 game, but not sure what one to go for – Saints Row or Star Wars Lego?


    Deffo saints row!

    LSW2 is good.. but downloadable on the PC 😀

    to appreciate the gfx and game.. you need to get saints row


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Deffo saints row!

    to appreciate the gfx and game.. you need to get saints row

    … or a life!!

    Computer games for aniversaries…. deary me 🙂


    There is 2 parts to lego star wars.

    First is complete all the missions. 2nd is going back through all the levels and find all the secrets. (you cant do it straight away because you need different characters that only unlock later in the game)

    I completed all the missions in just over a day.

    Game is fun, and the cut scenes add a good comedy element, but the game just does not last long enough.
    You can have adaptive ai on it, but again that does not make much difference to how long it would take to complete as you never run out of lives. You collect studs that are used as currency to buy unlocks (weapons, characters, etc). When you die you loose some of the studs you have found and when you have no studs left you still don’t stay dead.

    I am glad i did not pay £30 for it.

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