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    Just looking through TotalBF2142 forum, thread about “your in game Nemesis”

    Read down, and found a reference.

    get a room dude 🙄 😉


    Does anyone even play it any more? -_-


    yes, but not me!


    Well, yes, I still play it 😕

    XDC Erratic-Space

    Ha-ha you gits but you know everyone enjoys killing him the most 🙂


    I think I played my last 2142 game on Saturday. Even on a 16 player server I’m lucky to get 15 fps and it’s unplayable. Since the patch the game has just got worse and worse for me, but I can’t find anywhere on the net that tells me how to fix the problem. It seems that it’s just unique to me (and possibly signal).

    Things have become so bad that I even downloaded ‘Enemy Territory’ so I could play that. But it’s a pile of shit.

    I think Ebay is beckoning my old copies of Battlefield 2 and 2142 so I can afford to buy another game 😕


    😆 lots playing RO 😉 WHAT GAME IS BF21423564346786 AGAIN 8)


    xdc the doc

    Well – I just got it last week and I must say Im enjoying it. Fast paced and fun… not as stressful as RO 🙂 I do like RO though – once I get over the novelty value I will be back!

    That sucks Neon – Ive been pleasently surprised that 2142 has only CTD once the whole time I played it… and the FPS are excellent at top res with all settings at medium.

    ps – is it necessary to have the RO boys go on a seperate comms server? If I saw a bunch opf you guys iun RO Id probably come and join you.. but its a pain in the arse hgaving to load TS AND ventrilo… I must have missed the thread that explained this situation.


    the RO boys hold themselves aloof from the bf men but we know differently 🙂

    People were having issues with vent. Mine kept randomly switching itself off due to not enough bandwidth ? A problem made a great deal worse given that i can’t alt tab out of bf2142 🙄 So must admit the move back to TS was quite welcome.


    Gotta agree with Neon myself, doesn’t seem to be as bad at the moment but still 60% of the time the game is so slow it’s unplayable hence the reason I’m not on it so much anymore . This only seems since the patch because I’m a overpaid wanker I have a fairly decent rig including an 8800 card 3 gig ddr2 ram yadda yadda yadda, every other game I can crank right up to nearly max and I get at least 50fps on 1280*1024 but noooooo not BF2142 some days I’m lucky to get like Neon 10-15fps but just to make Neon feel better I did on one day have a rating of 6fps(beat that sucker).
    And in my experience of BF the answer is just to wait till the new game comes because EA don’t ever seem to fix feck all. But when it’s good it’s very good, still one of my fav’s to play which makes the current hassles a pain.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i’ve been having problems since the last patch too 😥 Game freezes completely so have to ctrl,alt and del then shut down the bf.exe in order to get my pc running again, sometimes i can only get it back using the reset button and i’m getting more ctd’s than i ever did before! I updated my gfx drivers but still no joy! I’m not playing as much now anyhows because i’m working nights but its put an end to a quick game during the day as i can’t be arsed to fire the game up only to be watching a still of the game! Oh, and i’ve also had the odd gfx glitch! 👿

    regards “nemesis”………wish i was ingame long enough to become a victim 🙄


    I’ve got similar issues to Neon – real big slowdowns since the patch. I played briefly over the weekend for the first time in ages, and it’s like running through treacle.

    I’m going to wind back my graphics settings to the minimum and try that. But it doesn’t feel like a graphics issue – it’s more like networking I think.

    I also could not get on the XDC server – appeared red in the browser and would not let me connect. But I could see people on it via RCON. And yes, I do have Northern Strike installed.

    Unfortunately these days I’ve got so little time to play that if it is any hassle at all to do so, then I just give up & get on with something else. May even have to get Arma or RO as a quick-fix replacement….


    All your tags are belong to us……

    XDC Erratic-Space

    Having much the same problems as the rest of you it seems. I think it’s half and half now, partly my connection and partly the server. I just can’t for the life of me work out why I’ve been able to play on full settings on a 32 player server with no lag, then to jump on a half full server with everything on low only to watch it drrrrraag 🙁

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