Manhunt 2

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  • #16655

    Seems like they banned it. Personally I am debating with myself as to wether this is a gross invasioninto my choices and the fact that most parents just aren’t responsible enough to stop their children playing rated games, same as with films. Whilst censorship in principle is a bad thing, the lack of it relies on a responsibility of parents to shield their children from negative influences, a responsibility most shirk, or even flaunt due to the limited intelligence of certain groups of people (like the ones who thought it would be freakin’ hilarious to see two toddlers fight).

    Sway me with your arguments for and against please.


    I actually agree with you on this Paddy. This is political correctness in overdrive implemented by self righteous sanctimonious do gooders who think that as a responsible adult I am incapable of making and informed choice.

    BURN THE ALL!!!!


    the thing is Lammie I am undecided, but the couter argument is that childrens welfare is paramount and whereas you may be responsible as a parent/adult, alot of p[arents aren’t responsible enough to protect their children from what is potentially harmful content (I hope we all agree that this game is potentially harming?) so the “censors” are in a catch 22 position, the BBFC does not like banning anything but sometimes it’s hand is forced, especially when there is a potential for actual harm.

    I am not saying that children will emulate this game, but psychologically it has great potential to damage and so it should be treated with caution.

    On the other hand, it is a gross invasion into my choices, so I am still a little confused!


    I still say BURN THEM!!!


    Rockstar to release sequel to completely average game on 6 year old console that everyone has chucked in their loft and the Wii, which no-ones bothered about anyway (except for girls who like to wave a bit of plastic around and pretend they’re playing tennis – here’s an idea – rather than running around your living room swinging your arms around pretending to hit an imaginary tennis ball you could go outside and err, well, play tennis). It’s estimated that a good 10 or 20 people might buy it!

    Sequel banned amongst a storm of controversy, grabbing headlines all over the shop and making everyone wish they could find out what all the fuss was about.

    Rockstar appeal the banning a bit later on after lots of furore and after a lot of very public debating upon the shocking content of the game that has to be “seen to be believed”, the ban is lifted.

    The BBFC censors admit they made a hasty decision and that it’s okay for the game to be released after all, before taking off in their brand spanking new private jets for a smashing summer holiday in the beautiful setting that is the picturesque city of Vancouver. Lovely!

    xdc magicker

    I have to say that i am not swayed by the “video games = violence” argument at all. at a recent conference a neurologist gave some evidence that playing fps games did impact children this case they looked at levels of cooperating after a game.. needless to say proving that people are less inclined to cooperate is a long way from killing someone.

    i thought this was telling

    The last game to be refused classification was Carmageddon in 1997.

    lmao – this was such a lame game with about 20 mins of fun watching people bounce over your bonet and then you are bored. banning the game only makes it more sexy as soia points out. was anyone run over as a result of anyone playing carmageddon? i doubt it

    if a kid is psycho then he is psycho ..the game is going to make fuck all difference

    i have been playing games with involved shooting people for 25 years and even holding fluffys rather impressive collection of air pistols makes me nervous.


    load of wank.. if anything they should ban toss like.. errrm.. The Sims! It makes me want to go and rob a bank in order to fund a huge mansion and fill it with lots of expensive goodies!

    piss fucking poor.. what next.. banning a map of a school coz of a murder.. oh wait!

    Your born a fuckin nutjob, games dont make you into one.. are they going to ban drinking next because it makes young chavvy c**ts violent towards those who are just out for a good time? .. no.. FUCK OFF you soft wankers!!

    *shakes fist*

    xdc the doc

    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    alot of p[arents aren’t responsible enough to protect their children from what is potentially harmful content (I hope we all agree that this game is potentially harming?)

    Nope – I dont agree at all. I disagree with Insanes idea that ‘nutjobs are born nutjobs’ invariably… but linking games to real world violence is unproven, unlikely and at the end of the day academic as free speech and the evils of censorship are probably far more destructive in society.

    I dont agree with Lammie wanting to ‘burn em all’ though… he has obviously been playing too much COH and been turned into an evil arsonist by watching the flame engineers. 😀


    In retrospect I have very little chance of getting the opposing argument on a gaming forum!


    😆 , at the end of the day:




    @Ryzo wrote:

    😆 , at the end of the day:



    So why was you and Max playing Bf2 tonight with your new airsoft AK’s then. 😉


    @dodge wrote:

    @Ryzo wrote:

    😆 , at the end of the day:



    So why was you and Max playing Bf2 tonight with your new airsoft AK’s then. 😉

    You caught me 😛 ! 😆


    Its like banning knives because some people get stabbed by them… however… I do wonder whether that much gore is necessary to make a good game.


    I’m gonna argue with you all and tell you that you’re all wrong.

    Truth is, it probably should be banned. What’s more I reckon I can get you all to agree with me.

    Ask yourself this. Am I intelligent enough to make my own decisions about this sort of thing?

    Of course you are.


    Now go outside and look around. Go on.

    Look at the feckless idiots with their tracksuit bottoms tucked into their socks. Look at the fat slags pushing prams with dozens of kids in tow all over the shop. Look at the male teenagers with their streaked girly haircuts and their Marilyn Manson T-shirts. Look at the pregnant 16 year old girls whose taxes you are paying for. Look at the white and asian kids driving around with their shit music blasting out because they saw 25 pence (that’s the English name for 50cent) on MTV and they decided that they were black Americans from the projects.

    Look at them! Look at them all!
    There are fucking millions of the cunts!

    Now you’ve done that come back in, sit down and ask yourself:

    Do you really, truly think that the great british public is intelligent enough to make their own decisions about this sort of thing?

    Got you!

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