Minutes to Midnight – Linkin Park

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    @sickofitall wrote:

    One of my mates once turned up with one of these “Linkin Park” cd’s and told us it was “metal”. Unfortunately for him a few of us had already heard of this lot and we gladly took his cd, snapped it in half and handed it back to him.

    Turns out it wasn’t “metal” at all.

    It was “plastic”.

    He never turned up with another “Linkin Park” cd again. Which was a shame.

    a valuable lesson.
    Isnt science fun


    lol that was released in March 2002 as part of X-Ecutioners debut album Built from Scratch (which I own) It’s about as new as cadburys chocolate!

    It does feature Mike Shinoda and Joseph Hahn on the track, I believe all 3 wrote it

    Glad i didnt take you up on the Jay Z is shite debate as I’d have clearly won lol 😀

    Tiz a fine album from X-Ecutioners, you should get it if you like there stuff


    I retire to your more infinate knowledge of the subject. Still think they are the best band around at the moment though. Pity it seems they are not going to be touring the UK in the near future though.


    They were in UK recently for some exclusive gig.. but taht was an exclusive TV gig to promote album 🙂

    Apparently if you look close you can see Chester in the vid of the above choon


    @=XDC=Mouse101uk wrote:

    Still think they are the best band around at the moment though.

    Bloody hell fire! Is that right? Are things really that bad?? Stone me, who’d have thunk it. I’m too old for all this pop music malarkey that’s for sure.

    On the plus side I did channel flick onto Def Leppards video for “Pour Some Sugar On Me” the other day. Now it might be one of the most terrible songs ever by one of the most terrible bands but it did right cheer me up shouting “Give us a drum roll, Rick” at the telly for 5 minutes. Much to the consternation of my missus.

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