My mate’s band needs your votes – please

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    Pringles (once you pop you can’t stop) are running a kind of X Factor thang but for proper musicians who are already in bands. Basically the competition can be found here and youcan listen to the bands music and vote for which one you like:

    Pringles Unsung

    My mate Dan’s band is taking part and I think they’re pretty good. They are called STILLYANO and they’ve got a song called ‘Dandelion Blue’ (and yes I have already contacted him to point out the problem with the name). Basically I was hoping some of you chaps might help my mate’s career by voting for him here:

    Unsung Voting

    Although you will need to look up STILLYANO alphabetically to find it.




    What style of music do they play?

    XDC MadHippy

    Nominate button no worky 😥


    @Ronathon wrote:

    What style of music do they play?

    They’re a kind of Pop/Rock kind of band. They remind me of Lenny Kravitz meets Bon Jovi. Electric guitars and rock vocals with the emphasis on melodies.

    @MadHippy wrote:

    Nominate button no worky

    Bah! Bloody Pringles! Thanks for trying though mate.


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    @Ronathon wrote:

    What style of music do they play?

    They’re a kind of Pop/Rock kind of band. They remind me of Lenny Kravitz meets Bon Jovi. Electric guitars and rock vocals with the emphasis on melodies.

    Mc hammer vs flashdance shat??


    nominate button works fine for me. Think the song is pretty crap tbh though m8. but it’s all personal taste. Feck I hated James ryhming slang Blunt but he was still horrendously popular!


    Well I kind of agree with you Wolf. They’re not really my type of band either, but I can listen to their music quite happily, just probably wouldn’t be paying money for the album, except because it’s a friend. But I can recognise quality, and I think that Stillyano put out some quality tunes. Just as Fifa 2006 is a quality game, but I wouldn’t buy it ‘cos I don’t like sports games.

    Dan (my mate) puts his heart and soul into the band and has worked hard for about 10 years to fund his attempt at being a proffessional musician and has even moved back home with his parents to give it a shot.

    Cheers for voting.

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