National Poem Day Today.

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    Saw this while i was away and thought that it was very good.

    It is the Soldier

    It is the Soldier, not the minister
    Who has given us freedom of religion.

    It is the Soldier, not the reporter
    Who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the Soldier, not the poet
    Who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer
    Who has given us freedom to protest.

    It is the Soldier, not the lawyer
    Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

    It is the Soldier, not the politician
    Who has given us the right to vote.

    It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
    Who serves beneath the flag,
    And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
    Who allows the protester to burn the flag.

    Just thought that id share this with you lot.


    I prefer this one..

    It is Spiderman

    It is Spiderman, not carnage
    Who has given us freedom of religion.

    It is Spiderman, not venom
    Who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is Spiderman, not the lizzard
    Who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is Spiderman, not the green goblin
    Who has given us freedom to protest.

    It is Spiderman, not rhino
    Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

    It is Spiderman, not mysterio
    Who has given us the right to vote.

    It is Spiderman who spins a web,
    Who serves beneath the flag,
    And whose suit is blue and red,
    Who allows the villians nowt.

    p.s. Seriously yours was nice.. but Spiderman rocks

    xdc magicker

    i have always said we should look after our soldiers .. you never know when you will need them

    ofcourse the f’ing blair government sent them everywhere but one day someone will remember to call them all back.


    Nice poem Mouse, I preferred it to the one that Insane found about Spiderman. One thing that really pisses me off is the way that our soldiers get mauled by the press, politicians, protesters and even musicians. There’s a song called ‘Universal Soldier’ (which is shit) that blames soldiers for war. No doubt the same singer wrote one called ‘Universal Doctor’ that blames all illness on doctors.

    Anyway here’s a poem about Iron Man.

    Iron Man, Iron Man, does whatever an iron can.
    Irons a blouse, any size, quick as a flash, before your eyes.
    Look Out! Here comes the Iron Man!


    I know that one well Mouse.

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