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  • #20370

    I’m not sure if this was a wind up or not on the PS2 forums, but I just read a story there about some guys camped in their base, which I really have to test out. Apparently they were totally outnumbered on a base, unable to break out effectively, so one of them placed 4 blocks of C4 onto a friend who was a stalker cloak infiltrator, who was able to sneak out and reach the various enemy vehicles surrounding the base, and once there tell his friend to detonate the C4. This apparently worked!

    There are far too many comedy uses for this, but I really need to know if it’s true or not first, so would anyone like to log in a hold a few bricks for me?


    Thanks Steve for the help, and yes this works 🙂 Looking forward to our first XDC suicide bomber squad.


    Sadly the ability to do this has been removed in the latest patch, however I noticed on reddit today that people are talking about this:

    and the possibilities it may lead to.

    Funny watch anyway 🙂


    I don’t even know what happened there.


    just as he throws the c4 out someone throws a grenade in and the c4 sticks to it and he blows himself up.


    Exactly, and people are now wondering what other grenades or projectiles c4 might be able to stick to 🙂

    Phoenix rockets apparently don’t work 🙁

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