No Vanu were harmed in the making of this video

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    I’ve been saving up a few clips lately to try and make another montage and finally got around to putting it together after finding a song that more or less fits. Not perfect by any means but getting there, and hope you enjoy 🙂


    Give it 10 minutes or so if you’re reading this right now, it’ll take a little while before youtube finishes processing and gives the HD option.

    Gary Goat

    I’ve got to be honest mate, the music did my head in haha. Good footage though and edited together nicely. Them skillshots :mrgreen:

    Oh, and get rid of the black bars!


    Agreed on music and quality of footage 🙂

    Also couldn’t help but notice you harm a vanu at the end of the first section of the clip.

    Awesome play though


    Lol its not for everyone but ive listened to it enough now to be happy that i at least like it enough, although not the whole song tbh (too screechy). What music do you like though, i’ll pick something with your taste in mind next time (Gary that is, I see ben’s replied and I’m never going to find something I like going down that route :)). I forgot about that problem with the bars and still don’t know why it happens. Tbh I don’t even notice it until you draw attention to it, because it is pretty small. It may have something to do with the rendering quality or my native resolution not being suitable for 1080p but meh, are you seeing huge bars or is it bearable?


    Oh and I only for tickled that guy, and he walked in front of me while I was firing so in a way I was helping him learn, while doing incredibly well not to kill him. Spend half my time shooting past heads of morons trying to steal kills after spending half the fight cowering outside while you are the one doing the hard work at the front.

    Gary Goat

    Music wise I mostly listen to rock and indie, don’t mind heavier stuff but just cant stand that kind of high school teen screamy stuff. As for the black bars, they aren’t really an issue but its unusual to see them on youtube vids. Whats your native res?


    1600 x1028 (ish) can never remember, whatever the Max is for my monitor. I just remember Ben mention something before about me not being able to render in YouTube HD because of it and wonder whether me trying to results in the bars. I’ll find one of my old MSI afterburner videos and see if it happens in that, but for me it’s really minor.

    Music wise that sounds similar to my taste but trying to find something to fit a video which is newish and not already overused is difficult. Screechy crap annoys me but that song doesn’t have too much of it for me, and the good parts overrule the bad.

    Gary Goat

    1680×1050? Thats 16:10 where as 1920×1080 is 16:9 so thats what causes the black bars. If you use shadowplay, you can go into the nvidia experiance and chose custom quality and get a resolution drop down box. See if it shows 1080p in there. I think I read somewhere that shadowplay can record at a higher res then your actual in game res but i’m not 100% sure on that.


    Because I was using shadow play I assumed it might do all that automatically, however I can’t find the option to change options at that level. Do you know where they live?

    Gary Goat

    Open nvidia experience and click the showdowplay button on the top right. A box should pop up with 4 buttons along the bottom. Click the qulity button and set it to custom and another box should pop up with resolution, bit rate and framerate. Mine doesn’t show anything higher then my native res though so maybe it wont work.


    it’s given me a 1080p option, I’ll try that.

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