Online Gaming LAN (VPN)

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  • #16501

    Just come across some pretty nifty software called LogMeIn Hamachi. It creates a fake network card and allows you and friends to play over a LAN… but through the internet -_- Why is this handy you may ask? Because you may not have a proper Online CD key which a LAN typically wouldn’t give a shit about 🙄

    I’m more interested in it for sharing files with my m8 downb the road, but anyhow…

    xdc magicker

    i use logmein alll the time to connect to my home pc from work and from home to work – it works a treat and goes straight through any firewall in its way. its is a great great product and free free free

    this vpn thingy looks interesting –


    Il have to check it out, i use to have to do LAN via Dawn of war due to lack of serial keys 😛 but sounds like an easier method! nice one.


    The only catch is when you go tothe LAn settings In-game you have to set it from your real LAN IP to your fake LAN IP – after that you can play online with friends/enemies NP.


    bah.. if only it recreated the speed of the LAN aswell.. we could have flawless games of 8 v 8 on COH! 😀


    Works like a dream for everything I’ve ever tried to do.


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    bah.. if only it recreated the speed of the LAN aswell.. we could have flawless games of 8 v 8 on COH! 😀

    Damn COH! theres a drop hack going around aswell, bout to win a ranked game and the other player drops and freezes the whole game up, quite common apprently.


    I used this a while ago with Alzir and a few others but can’t remember what for (think it was R6), but it looks like the only way I can possibly play COH online, wouldn’t mind giving it a try with someone at some point, dying for an online game at the mo! Someone please do this with me! Please!


    perhaps look into this tonight

    xdc the doc

    Yup – give us a time tonight and we can probably get a 2vs2 set up… alzir was interested in playing on this network too.


    awesome give me a time and I will get it all ready (patched it last night) Not sure how it will perform, the game runs fine on my computer but the random pings are a bit of a worry!


    You may want to untick QOS Packet scheduler and change your File and Printer sharing properties to Maximise data throughput for network applications, not really going to make a drastic improvement but every little helps ;o

    xdc the doc

    @LeGIt wrote:

    You may want to untick QOS Packet scheduler and change your File and Printer sharing properties to Maximise data throughput for network applications, not really going to make a drastic improvement but every little helps ;o

    Lol legit.. I have specifically disabled file and printer sharing on the hamachi network just in case you get onto it with me you little skank 😈


    Didn’t mean for the hamachi, meant your physical network connection – disable it on hamach by all means, I dd too 😛

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