premium bollox

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  • #19988

    am i missing something ??

    ive already bought karkand…..why should i be buying it again so i can play armored kill now ??


    There are two reasons, one you get a mission pack for free effectively, two if you didn’t have karkand, but the flip side to that is that if ea see items presold, will the dlc be any good and that’s questionable to date. The other is priority queuing, but that makes me sick to even suggest. There are some good weapons in the premium pack, but nithung game changing. A lot of vocal people out there are also incensed by recent exclusive content ea have released, as it’s shite. Decide yourself based on that.


    when does armored kill come out to us bumpkins then ??

    they’ve fucked this up !! why should i buy karkand man !! what the fuck do i wanna do with the mission packs !!

    im always on the recieiving end with this downloadable stuff !! grrrr !!! 👿


    Armoured kill is out maybe today, maybe the end of the month. I thought it was end of the month, but i’m currently downloading another 3gb patch so who knows. Close quarters has been out since june, and aftermath is out in december i think. After that there’s at least one more, maybe two, as they lead us up to BF4. If you intend on buying the lot, then forget that you’ve already got karky, because you’ll still save. You will however be helping support the man in their attempts to get as much much money out of us as they can. I always intended to buy all the DLC because I get a lot from the game, but that’s what you need to consider before you buy premium. It’s not necessary, but there is a deal to be had there if you plan on getting the lot.


    Armoured Kill makes my wang a bit chubby. 😯

    XDC MadHippy

    I just got it for £28:50 🙂


    how comes ???


    @=XDC=Sprog wrote:

    how comes ???


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