Privacy issues – if you care about such things

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  • #19638

    I can`t be arsed to read it…. whats it say “in a nut shell” LOL



    “…legally binding License Agreement that users have to accept when installing the software (PunkBuster), which permits PunkBuster to inspect any “devices and any files residing on the hard-drive and in the memory of the computer on which PunkBuster software is installed”.”


    Downloading goat porn ?? they can/gonna take a snapshot and bubble you up !!!

    Got tom cruises latest incomprehendible pile of dump movie ?? they can/gonna take a snapshot of it and bubble you up……so tom can have 2 red carpets….one too the trailer and one to his shitter !!

    donwloading a load of free music ??

    they can/gonna take a snapshot of your hard drive, and report you so that mariah carey is forever walking on rose petals and simon cowell will have a direct link to your bank account so he can extract all of the money from everyone in the world….brand everyone with a bar code on their forehead….so that the only currency available will be syco downloads……before tearing off those fuckin ridiculous trousers of his too reveal satans 15 foot purple veined Schlong underneath them !!!

    the only option to eat any food for the worlds population is too stand in line for years on end…..waiting for our one chance to get our protein shake as simon cups his red pulsatin schlonger drip feeding his millions of minions his greasy baby fat custard one after the other…….after the other…..after the other until the end of time itself !!

    the africans will be made to wait the longest… sepp blatter has also revealed himself to be simons partner in this horrific crime against humanity !!

    or alternatively……punkbuster have the option to grass you up…..but realise it just aint worth the fuckin effort as the only reason to really own a pc these days is for one of the reasons above…..and it would mean closing down every pc in the world…..and switching the internet off into ‘sleep mode’

    i bet you fuckin wish you had of read the original now dontcha !! 😆

    crazy hippo

    Haha thats awesome, I always knew Cowell was the devil!!!


    *note to self*

    “be arsed” to read it next time… lol

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