Proud Dad!!!

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    Both my kids, Reece and Chloe, have made me rather proud of late.

    My daughter, Chloe, has succesfully managed to breed her 2 leopard geckos first time. Her female gecko, named……… wait for it….. Echo, laid 2 eggs 3 days ago. Dont know yet if they will hatch as first time eggs have a low survival rate. But saying that, shes only had her geckos for about 6 months and in that time she has spent a lot of her pocket money of these animals, and now she is showing the reward. As said the female is called Echo and the male is called…..what would you think?…………. no…. cant guess…. his name is Derek!!! She chose them!!! If she continues then she stands to make in the region of about £200 per season!! Lucky cow.

    My boy, Reece has taken up rock climbing. I belay (stand at the bottom and make sure he dosnt plunge to his death!!) for him and panic whenever he goes above 10m. Last month he enterd his first compition. He has only been climbing for about 2 1/2mths and his aponents had been climbing for well over a year. He managed to get 13th place out of 16. He also got a personel mention in this weeks paper saying how well he done. At the comp aswell, I was aproached by a company who makes climbing gear, who wanted to sponser Reece!! If it wasnt for the fact that he had only been climbing for such a short period of time then they would have. You should have seen thier faces when I told them he had only been climbing for less than 3 months!! Priceless!!

    Anyway, I will leave you alone now. just thought I’d share with you how very proud I am of my 2 kids!!! (even if they do drive me up the wall!!)


    good on them!!

    My daughters crowning achievements so far are hiding in terror whenever she hears a petrol lawnmower within 15 miles and getting fishbones stuck in her throat…..but she is only 3.

    oh she did manage to knock herself out by pulling a ceramic basin down by swinging on it!!

    …she do make me laff though.


    I was particularly proud last week when my 4 year old boy got into a belching competition with his 6 year old mate next door while we were all out for a bike ride. Most pleasant …..cycling along by the river in the quiet countryside, with Reece sitting behind me belching away trying to outdo Ben peddling along beside us.

    That’s my boy! 🙄

    xdc magicker

    @=XDC=Morgan wrote:

    My boy, Reece has taken up rock climbing. I belay (stand at the bottom and make sure he dosnt plunge to his death!!) for him and panic whenever he goes above 10m.

    top marks on the climbing front – i used to do a lot of climbing and would love Riley to do some. I was chuffed to bits yesterday as he moved his potty to the edge of the settee and used that as a means to climb onto the settee to pull the baby wipes out 🙂 what a star. i told Lis that this meant he needed his 1st harness for his 1st birthday but she said that reins might be more appropriate! (cant beleive he is 11 months already)

    In order to ensure that he does not turn out to be a gay footballer i have hidden all the footballs that relatives have donated.

    oh and congrats on the eggs

    xdc magicker

    oh and who wants to take odds on Legit posting that he is 6 eggs and can sell them for 400 quid each?


    @=xdc= magicker wrote:

    oh and who wants to take odds on Legit posting that he is 6 eggs and can sell them for 400 quid each?

    LMFAO!!!! 😆 😆 😆


    @=xdc= magicker wrote:

    oh and who wants to take odds on Legit posting that he is 6 eggs and can sell them for 400 quid each?

    But if you buy them then you must run. It’s obvious you have far less chance of breaking the eggs if you run as fast as you can through crowds of people.

    Sorry Leg – couldn’t resist 😛


    LOL @ Legit comments

    ere for a minute when reading the first bit of this I was quite shocked.. glad i read the rest of it.. you dont wanna know what my sleepy head was thinking for a split second.. anyhoos..

    Congrats on the lil egg malarky.. do us a favour.. or at least me.. can you get pics of them.. as eggs and when born? that would be brill!

    Go Reece too! I could never do that.. would shit me right up ha

    I aint a father.. but I’m ultra proud of my 4 year old neice who is the closest I have to a daughter… She beat Cancer! YAY!

    p.s. dont forget the lizard piccys!


    @=xdc= magicker wrote:

    oh and who wants to take odds on Legit posting that he is 6 eggs and can sell them for 400 quid each?

    mmm no…

    But I did have some nice unreleased games which I flogged for about that each…

    Propellor Arena (cancelled because of 9-11)
    Test Drive Cycles
    Heroes of Might and Magic 3
    Flintstones: Viva! Rock Vegas

    Micromachines (EU)
    The Red Star
    Combat Elite


    And probably more I have forgotten about too 😛

    @Lensman wrote:

    But if you buy them then you must run. It’s obvious you have far less chance of breaking the eggs if you run as fast as you can through crowds of people.

    Sorry Leg – couldn’t resist 😛

    hmm I can still see from the comments not one person had the smarts t get my points. I almost got rammed twice on Friday just gone… and @ 30mph in a 30 zone on a bright fucking orange bike with the headlights on in broad daylight…. buzzing down the road and on both occasions some cockslooking left but pulling out to turn right…. they’re more dangerous <30mph than I am >30mph because they hsve no awareness/control ;o


    Well…. the first batch of eggs failed…. this is not uncomman for first time layers. BUT… scince then They have laid another 2 clutches.
    Both had 2 eggs each.

    The first clutch has just produced one very healthy little Ghecko!!!!!

    We are now waiting for the second to hatch!!! YAY!!!

    Oh and Insane…. have taken piccies for you and will post them soon!! 😀


    yo chloe great job girl that sounds like a lucrative business you have there 💡
    reece good to here you not stuck behind computer rock climbing is a blast 8) 😕 just dont go free climbing yet bud.

    morgan way to go man wish i had some rug rats to chat it up about. 😆


    Here we are then……………..

    The vivarium. You can see the empty egg inside. The baby ghecko will
    live of this for about 2 days. But will not feed on live food until their first shedding

    Eggs stored in heat bedding. Kept in moist conditions in sealed container
    in incubater (airing cuboard)

    Chloe holding the new arrival

    A close up of the little fella!!

    We believe that it is a HE due to the temp the eggs were kept at. High temps normaly indicate Males while lower temps normaly indicate females.


    Right. sorry to harass you but Reece has been nagging me to put these on as well…………………..

    This is one of the main walls. Reece normally climbs a route on the left side as a warm up.

    Reece in the bouldering competition where he finished 13th overall in the SouthWest

    Doing another bouldering route in the competition

    This is known as route 19. Another good warm up for Reece. Its about 12m high.

    XDC Dutchman

    Kids ! Look at all that bubblegum they stuck on the wall !

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