Question for Doc?

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  • #15518
    XDC MadHippy

    Sorry to bother you Doc, I got a whiplash injury an I have a question

    post here :cry

    My question is – Should my neck feel like it’s burning ? It’s not hot to touch but feels like that stuff deepheat that the sportspeeps use when they get hurt

    thx in advance


    Dr iNSANE here.. welcome to my clinic..

    I suggest you pop along to Hospital and have it Xray’d/whatever else they do.. Its worth going just to be safe and looks good on your claim 🙂


    Ooooo! a doctors threat – FAB!

    My herpes is flaring up again… what should I do?


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    Ooooo! a doctors threat – FAB!

    My herpes is flaring up again… what should I do?

    You should stop poking In5ane in da ass…. 😯


    I’ve been bugging Doc by PM – probably your best chance of catching hold of him fella.

    XDC MadHippy

    nah! don’t want to hassle the doc, twas just a question. I have the painkillers now an all is well.


    If the groinal swelling doesn’t go down then stop reading the porn 😀


    My question is – Should my neck feel like it’s burning ? It’s not hot to touch but feels like that stuff deepheat that the sportspeeps use when they get hurt

    Maybe since Doc isn’t around to give you an experts eye on it, I’ll risk a response, but bear in mind my knowledge is sketchy at best on this. It could be a sign of a trapped or pinched nerve which is possbile with a whiplash injury. Best advice is let your own doc know.

    XDC MadHippy

    @Alzir wrote:

    My question is – Should my neck feel like it’s burning ? It’s not hot to touch but feels like that stuff deepheat that the sportspeeps use when they get hurt

    Maybe since Doc isn’t around to give you an experts eye on it, I’ll risk a response, but bear in mind my knowledge is sketchy at best on this. It could be a sign of a trapped or pinched nerve which is possbile with a whiplash injury. Best advice is let your own doc know.

    That’s what I think Alzir, I’ll call my doctor in the morning

    xdc the doc


    I dont mind giving general info – as long as no one sues my ass 🙂 How did you get on with my advice Legit?

    Anyways – whiplash… its pretty normal after a whiplash injury to feel pain, loss oi function, tigling feelings. All these things can get progressively worse after an initial honeymoon period. The odd sensation you feel in your neck might just be because of all the swelling/inflammation from the torn musclwe fibres that characterise the condition. It could also be due to a nerve issue – but theres feck all anyone can do about it. In response to Insanes suggestion – x-raying whiplash injuries is usually a silly idea – theres no clinical indication for it unless theres a real concern about a neck fracture (which was presumably ruled out previously.)

    Having said that neck fractures have been picked up weeks after accidents before – so if there is any deteriorating neurological issues it is worth speaking to someone about them.

    So… in summary – I wouldnt worry about it… you are going to have pain/discomfort for a few weeks at least so get used to it.

    If you are going to sue the guy though you need to go see the GP get him to examine you and document his findings.

    The best advice for any whiplash injury is to do some physio exercises (basically stretching your neck in the full range of movement without pushing the pain barier, take anti-inflamatories and DONT use a soft collar.

    XDC MadHippy

    Thanks Doc, Been doing my exercises – Last night when I was stretching my neck I felt a tearing feeling and the pain eased considerably for a few hours. The diclafecac combimned with co-codomol are doing the trick too.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply – I know doctors are very busy people

    8) 8) 8) 😉 😉 8) 8) 8)


    @=XDC= MadHippy wrote:

    Thanks for taking the time to reply – I know doctors are very busy people

    …it’s all that time on the gold course 😛


    @Lensman wrote:

    @=XDC= MadHippy wrote:

    Thanks for taking the time to reply – I know doctors are very busy people

    …it’s all that time on the gold course 😛

    Gold course? No wonder doctors are fucking rich!


    jeeez, imagine combining this with playing golf all day 8)


    @xdc the doc wrote:

    I dont mind giving general info – as long as no one sues my ass 🙂 How did you get on with my advice Legit?

    Seeing my doc in about 2 hours, I’m still thinking I’ll be talking to a brick wall but bleh will see how we go.

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