Home Forums XDC Gaming Gaming – general Razer BARRACUDA HP-1 HEADSET

  • This topic has 40 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Ryzo.
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  • #16606

    My speedlinks have borked so I’m off to get me a set of these puppies tomorrow

    There supposed to be fooking amazing!




    Nice ๐Ÿ˜€


    did you end up getting a pair of these mike?

    I’ve decided the boy is gonna get me a pair of these for Fathers day, he doesn’t know it yet, or have the money for them ( 18 months old), but all the same i’m getting a pair.

    Thats my excuse for shelling out for รƒฦ’ร†โ€™รƒยขรขโ€šยฌร…ยกรƒฦ’รขโ‚ฌลกรƒโ€šร‚ยฃ80 headphones and i’m sticking to it. ๐Ÿ˜€

    xdc the doc

    post a review guys – they would need to be a lot better than the medusas to persuade me to spend that much.


    They do look pretty sweet. If only I’d know about these a while back. I’ve got some decent cupped headphones, but no mic. Most gaming headsets are a bit cheap, but these look the business.


    Got em this morning.. aint had chance to really test em out but had a quick dabble on RO earlier.. My jaw dropped to the floor.. they are amazing!

    They dont have wires R us like the medusa’s which i’ve bought 2 pair of in past.. there really comfy too.. aint tried out the mic but once i’ve had a baff and got this dirty plaster of me i’ll have a good go.. from what I hear though.. they piss all over the medusas.. i’d expect em too at the price!

    mics very small.. but aint tested it yet.. lit up they look sexy too!

    I also treated meself to a matching Razer DeathAdder mouse.. its rather sexual but again.. not really tried it.. couldnt figure out how you check what sensitivity your on when in game? how do you know DAve?

    I’ll pop back once i tried em with a couple of games.


    yeah, you assign a button to the “on the fly” sensitivity and hold it and use the mouse scroll. It’s amazingly handy when using diffrent guns i.e sniper, assault, pistols etc. I thought i upgraded my old razer diamondback to the razer/microsoft hybrid Habu, but like everything microsoft put their name too, it isn’t brilliant…….mainly coz i can’t get the “on the fly” working, probably a issue with vista.

    I think i’ll put an order in for these tonight. I have heard only good things about them, people are saying that the mic is too quiet, but i’m sure that’s because of the input device settings.

    I’ve used razer products for the last 2 years or so, and found them to be the best for the money. i only wish i could justify upgrading my X-fi to their new soundcard, but i think 130 quid is a bit too rich for my blood considering i hardly ever use the x-fi, i get shouted at for waking the boy up.


    Cheers fella

    Dont bother with there card for now.. the XFi is superb at delivering sounds to this set of headmuffs

    Only downside I’ve heard about em is they aint got that much bass ๐Ÿ™


    Thats a shame… Im totally addicted to base…


    Its official.. these are the best headsets I’ve ever encounteered..

    Just playing COH to test and the sound is fooking brilliant.. music, sfx.. everything!

    Played RO too.. I was in a building facing a damaged wall looking out.. I could hear the very faint noise of a tank turret turning to the right of the wall.. then the tank came to view and it was brillaint.. cant say I experienced that with the medusas as good as I thought they were

    sounds mad but you have to hear it… I even went behind the wall and the tank noise became faint again.. you could hear a flea land on a dogs back with these fookers

    the mic although small works well.. just had to boost the sound level of it up in vent

    Ther so comfortable too and and my desk looks clear again withough all those colourful wires the medusa used!

    They cancel out background noise well too

    If you can afford them or are able to save up.. i fully recommend them


    You wont be dissapointed!

    p.s. the razer mouse is the dogs danglies too!


    youve sold me, bought them too mate, 2 days deli.

    Went for the mouse mate too.

    xdc the doc

    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    youve sold me, bought them too mate, 2 days deli.

    Went for the mouse mate too.

    ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ™„



    lol Doc

    Pharty have you checked your work funds recently….anyone skimming off the top ?


    result – they sent me two by mistake, EBAY calls.

    crazy hippo

    if my medusas fail then these will be on my shopping list. also like the look of the keyboard too but thats a different matter

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