Shit sleep mode – cant get out of.

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    How do I bring up the events log?

    When I leave my computer on for around 3 hours or so, something happens, and it gets stuck in a kind of sleep mode, which I cant get out of – I presume its a software issue, so running spybot now…


    hmmmm 56 processes… I take it thats bad!!


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    How do I bring up the events log?

    Start Menu > Run > eventvwr.exe


    Or Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Event Viewer

    56 processes is not great, but it’s not completely bonkers either. I would, however, kill off a load before playing a game.

    Your problem maybe your graphics card in power saving mode – it’s wake-up mechanism may be foobarred. It’s something I’ve had in the past and fixed either with a driver reinstall/update, or just changing the power saving settings.

    Or another pissibolity is a disk indexing service sucking up so much CPU in “background” mode that it doesn’t yield enough cycles for Windows to properly gain control again. Windows’ multi-tasking is notoriously shit – not very pre-emptive at all and relies upon programmers doing the right thing in tight busy loops.

    (That last sentence does not help you at all – simply shows what a boring nerd I can be 🙂 )

    XDC MadHippy

    56 processes is not at all bad. IF you know what these processes do then end them however, if you are unsure of what then do not end them. Rather than stopping processes why not run msconfig and stop programs running that you don’t need. It’s all god and well peeps tellin you to stop these processes but if you don’t know what they do then do NOT stop them. Why not take a screenshot of task manage (ALT- PrtScr) and show us before you start halting processes/services etc ??


    Cheers guys – will give it a go some time tomorrow 🙂


    Pissibolity is now my mot de jour.

    Turks, post up a screenie (ALT-PrintScreen to get the active window) of your processes and let us all have a laugh.

    I’d say 56 processes is fine…

    … IF YOU’RE GHEY 😛

    Even my work PC which has a lot of unconscionable crap on it and nine apps running is showing 53 processes.

    At home, I like to keep it well under 30 for gaming.

    I’d lay money on the Event Viewer not telling you anything.

    -Fenix out


    Remove it from sleep mode in power options you queer! 😀


    four-aces deluxe

    I’m with Insane on this one – looks like you’re completely overlooking the obvious and deserving of his mockery.

    control panel – desktop themes (not sure if that’s what it’s called in English) – screensaver – power options – choose what suits you.

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