SOIA u ok?

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  • #19036
    xdc the doc

    Had some good games with SOIA on L4D a few weeks ago… but just noticed today that he has been offline for 22 days!

    So either a) He has been in a drunken stupor for all this time.

    or b) he is dead.

    Thankfully I know that he loves his pubs and his beers to a higher level than is usual in his peers…. so reassure us SOIA… you still alive?


    hope he’s dead


    Oh, only just seen this.

    Sorry Tooth, but nobody has given me the bullet that my embittered, hatefull demeanour means that I so thoroughly deserve. Still, I’m off to the pub this weekend and who knows who I’ll manage to piss off. So you never know.

    Sorry Doc, until I read this I’d actually totally forgotten about Left 4 Dead 2. Is anyone still playing it at all?


    Left 4 Dead 3 is out next week isn’t it?


    We’re still here and available to play SOIA, though it tends to be Paddy who initiates the games. I generally feel played out with L4D from the first edition, but I’m still up for a game now and again.

    @To0THBRU5H wrote:

    Left 4 Dead 3 is out next week isn’t it?


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