Spawn times

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    Just wondering what other people think about the spawn timer on the TF2 server at the moment. Currently it’s set to instant respawns, which obviously cuts down on the time you have to wait before you get back into the action, but it has some annoying side effects. The most obvious is that killing someone doesn’t really matter a big a lot as far as removing obstacles goes, you have to kill them several times before reaching your objective. Basically it suits defence a bit too much for my liking, meaning that you have to be completely dominant in your attacks to win a round. Evenly matched teams end up in a slugging contest, which is why some maps can go on forever. Also if you’re attacking and get badly hurt, you may as well just blow yourself up there and then, rather than run back for health from your base.

    I don’t think even I could be arsed with the default 20 second spawn timer, between 5 & 10 seconds would be my preference, but does anyone else fancy a change, and if so how long should the timer be?

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i don’t play the game but figure you may as well wait 10 seconds 😉


    Why dont you play the game wet?


    10 seconds seems a good compromise, gives you chance to change your class if you want to, evens the game out a bit more, especially on CTF maps.

    XDC Dutchman

    I’ve voted for the 20 second option, makes you want to stay alive and try to find medpacks/medic more rather than just die/spawn die/spawn. Also makes strategy/teamplay a bit better.
    All the above in an ideal world. Unfortunately we don’t live in one and people will probably just get bored of waiting 20seconds to spawn and go to another server, so 10 seconds is probably the right compromise

    XDC wild egg tamer

    @Mugworth wrote:

    Why dont you play the game wet?

    to be honest mate, i bought CoD4 and have played it once, got irritated with the whole control system, i work nights so can only really play during the day when all you peeps with proper jobs are working and with all the studying i’ll be doing over the next year or so i’ll be too busy anyhows.


    Wet you forget some of us are complete wasters and are actually on during the day ;), get this for next to nothing and I’ll show you the ropes. imho it’s much more fun than COD4, although my 1v1 the other day with Paddy brought back some good memories from the Rogue Spear days 🙂

    Back on topic, I was playing with the server config file this morning, and had set a 5 sec spawn timer which worked fine when tested, however tonight the server somehow fucked up and gave us all sorts of random times, from 20 secs to 5 secs. It actually felt like battlefield, rather than the instant madness we’ve had up until now, and I thought the games were better for it. I’m also starting to think that the default timer may not be so bad after all.

    Anyway, I’ve checked the server files and nothing has been changed (that I can see) from what I tested this morning, so why this was happening tonight I don’t know. For me it’s a process of trial and error with these fucking server commands, so I’ve had a go again and hopefully brought it more into line with the current majority in this poll. I will of course keep trying, until the funny bastard who actually knows how to do it, decides I’ve had enough, and steps forward himself to do it.


    gives you chance to change your class if you want to

    Sorry just realised you said that. You can actually change your class at any time without dieing, as long as you’re in a spawn area. You can do this on our server anytime you spawn, unless it’s in sudden death, but sometimes if you’ve been out of the spawn area and return to change class, you’ll actually respawn as the new class in a different area (eg the other side of the battlements in 2fort). It’s quite useful when you see a temporary need for a class (maybe you’re a soldier but the team needs a scout to quickly take intel back). You can change as many times as you want as well.


    I am aware of that.


    I voted 15

    instant spawn ruins the game and on a full server is asking for stalemates, the default 20 is well balanced for full servers. When the server is only half full then 20 seconds is too long 10 or 15 would be better if the server rarely fills up. I agree with Dutch in that it gives you a survival instinct although it could be said on the flipside that it prevents teams coming out into the fray.


    @=XDC=JuDgE-MenTaL wrote:

    I voted 15

    instant spawn ruins the game and on a full server is asking for stalemates, the default 20 is well balanced for full servers. When the server is only half full then 20 seconds is too long 10 or 15 would be better if the server rarely fills up.

    I agree. Nothing is worse than a long stalemate playing the map until its timer runs out, it just stops being fun.


    10 is a good compromise.
    last week i played on a server with 30 sec… this was very boring!

    it is right, that the seconds help to bring teamplay, but don’t forget the spys. when you were killed by a spy (from behind) and you have to wait 20-30 sec, than it is like wasting your time.


    I was bored at the time limit last night.. whatever it was.. but yeah bored.. I think theres summink wrong with me, I’m bored of all games at the mo, nothing excites me anymore.. the only time that satisfied me recently is when i shoot someone with a rifle in RO.. think i’ll go back and play that.. as Darkest Hour will be good when released

    Anyhoos back on Topic.. yeah too long last night


    Well they’re set as close to 10 seconds as we seem able to at the moment. It’s not quite exact (I’ve seen a wait of up to 18 secs), and to get it exact we’ll have to look through the beetlesmod forums for the right commands. Still I find it less boring than before when games constantly ended in stalemates.

    There clearly must be something wrong with you mate :P, there’s little difference between the tf2 spawn times and the battlefield or COD times.


    lol BF spawn times are much longer, but then you did a lot of trasping around to get into the action.

    I believe theres some kind of map spawn time factored in as well as the std you set on the server. as it varies between maps i noticed.

    were u setting it to 10 secs alzir? as that line is commented out and the force respawn option is off?

    Looks to me that its using the original game method as it comes out of the box.

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