TBYB versions been out for days.. not really into RTS.. someone sell me the idea of the game, dont remember playing the first one but remember it getting good ratings..
I probably will doc, but I want to see how it compares to COH. RTS games didn’t really do much in terms of changing gameplay for years until Dawn of War/COH came along, and if Starcraft hasn’t stepped up, then I doubt I’ll get much longevity out of it.
I’ve played this a fair bit and despite getting whooped up royally on the MP I love it! I dunno how it improves upon COH as I never played that but quite simply the whole game strikes me as very polished and well put together, that the SP is so much fun is testiment to that. I think anyone who’s into RTS games will love this. Would be great to get whooped up by some XDCers instead of these randoms I’m playing vs.