Swapping an AMD card for an Nvidia card

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    First of all, think very carefully about doing this, it is easier to reinstall windows, however after slaving away for no less than 4 hours this evening running into the same problem I have discovered two things.

    The first, when you swap these cards, make sure to remove every trace of AMD drivers, including everything in the hidden folders listed here: http://www.overclock.net/t/988215/how-to-properly-uninstall-ati-amd-software-drivers-for-graphics-cards

    Second, if the above fails, and you have a completely AMD and ATI folder/registry free PC, but still have problems, eg a black screen after the windows load screen…..simply swap the slot your gfx card is in. Move it to the other/another on your motherboard.

    4 hours of slaving, and that was all it took. I seriously want to punch someone at ATI.

    Gary Goat

    Sounds like fun. Alternatively you can use something like driver cleaner which will do it in 5 seconds flat :mrgreen:

    What card did you upgrade too?


    I’ll try driver cleaner in future, but I’m not exactly confident that third party programs will remove all the shit i need after i tried two highly recommended products already. I think it’s shocking that AMD/ATI make it so difficult to remove their drivers, though I do wonder whether it’s an anti virus mechanism? That could well be me being more than naive.

    I got a GTX670 though, which will obviously help my DayZ frames 😉

    I’m an idiot, but PS2 and BF3 will surely run like a dream once I get this, not to mention BF4 once it’s out.

    Gary Goat

    Well to be honest i havent used an AMD card for years and years but i always remember driver cleaner pro being the go to bit of software, there drivers have always been horrible!

    The 670 is a really nice card, overclockes to near 680 levels pretty easy as well from what i’ve heard. Should help with DayZ a bit but it wont be that much compared to the improvement you’ll see in other games. With a 680, my fps was dropping down to the low 20s in big cities with no AA and some of the settings turned down a bit 😕


    I’ll probably have to check that tonight when installing the 670, or I could end up having to reinstall windows. I put an old gtx 460 in so I didn’t have to break the gaming addiction for a day or two but it barely fits in the second pci-e slot because of some inconveniently placed sata connectors. I suspect the 670 will have to be put into the slot I was previously using for the 6870 so I may run into the black screen problem again.

    Oddly enough, speaking of frame rates, the quality of gfx hasn’t dropped in the slightest using the gtx460 and there’s no noticeable decrease in frame rate (within arma2/dayz). It is much higher than 20 though…is that what you get n dayz?

    Oh ajd I’m only getting the 670 for bf4 and PS2 really. I hope it’ll help with recording as well.

    Gary Goat

    Well i’m normally around 40 or 50 fps in dayz. It only drops down to the 20s in the big cities with loads of zombies spawned as they are really badly optimized and i’m pretty sure its the CPU thats choking trying to work out all there movement physics. I think they’ve limited the zombie spawns in the new version though so it should sort it out a bit.


    hmm I really didn’t think DayZ was that cpu or gpu intensive, but shit that it happens to you. We did notice back in August that some people had their gfx settings defaulting to use conflicting resolutions in the options… There’s your normal resolution and then a 3d resolution, which seems to cause gfx problems for people if it’s not set to the same value as your normal resolution. It just comes to mind everytime I hear of people having gfx issues. I’ve not heard your specific complaint before, which is odd….and you surely must have a decent machine if you play BF3.

    Oh and forgot to say, I took your driver cleaner pro tip, and it’s worked a treat. GTX 670 installed and working first time 🙂

    Gary Goat

    Nice one, glad you got it sorted!

    I have been through all the settings in dayz. Even tweaked the ini files which did help a bit. I also bought a second 680 for sli last week and i haven’t really tried dayz properly since so hopefully it will be a lot better now.

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