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    I’ve been dealing with this guy named Jean Laffite since I started playing ogame a year ago. He started raiding me almost the moment I got out of noob protection, despite the fact that he was ranked ~200 at the time. His initial raids were somewhat profitable. I once caught him attacking one of my planets and was able to spend most of the res, but not all of it, so I sent a few LCs to pick it up. He phalanxed the planet and told me that if I didn’t recall the LCs he would destroy all of my planets repeatedly. I refused and told him if he wanted my res he would have to work for it. He told me I was stealing from him because he allows me to operate in his sector of the universe therefore my res was actually his res that he could take whenever he wanted. He did destroy everything I had on all my colonies he could find. I thought he was a big asshole and had crossed the line so I reported him to a GO. Jean got banned for a couple of days, but since then has repeatedly attacked me even when there is little if any profit. This is a message he once sent me while on one of these pointless attacks:

    06-25 19:42:33 Jean Laffite [3:404:11] Re:no subjectanswer
    why are you attacking? There’s hardly any resources on that planet.

    There are no prisoners in the brig to throw broken bottles at and there is nothing left on capello’s planet as I have bombed it all flat.

    You are nearby have some toys for me to break so I look to you to fulfill my daily dose of meanness for the sake of meanness.

    Plus I think it only fair that you contribute some resources to the RIP that’s going to destroy your moon 😉

    So, I made it a point to leave no res or fleet around for him to get and I’ve done well, he hasn’t attacked in several months. Last week he raided all of my colonies for maybe a couple hundred thousand total in res. I went into vac mode for the weekend. Within an hour of me coming out of vac mode this morning he probed each of my planets multiple times. I figured he’s planning a big attack, so I’ve been monitoring ogame all day. Well I took a break to spend some time with the wife and this guy sent 170 IPMs to destroy my def and destroyed the fleet at my main planet. He hardly covered his deut costs, and barely made any profit after the IPM costs and his losses are factored in. The only reason he attacks is to terrorize people who can’t defend themselves. He’s ranked 56 in the uni right now. Is there anything we can do about this guy? He seems like the type of guy this alliance was founded to fight, guys who have no lives outside of games like this. I play ogame to have fun, but guys like this who take it too seriously take all the fun out of it.


    Sorry about how long that was. It’s kind of a long story.


    what a twat!! makes you wonder how someone like that even manages to get so highly ranked. I would personally love to see some ACS action on him….

    four-aces deluxe

    If I were in uni5 and if I had a fleet, I’d definately be up for hitting such a fuckwit. As I’m not and I don’t, goodluck with it all; he deserves a slap.


    Firstly Ozzcom, don’t worry about this RIP threat.

    I’ll post the names of a couple of guys here who’ve backed me up in the past when some guy local to me tried to hit me with a RIP, and they sent him scampering away, back to his heavily defended planet. A RIP will take hours to reach you (it took 6 hours to reach me and the guy is in the same galaxy as me). But also EVERYONE wants a RIP kill. The moment some of the big players get a whiff of a RIP they’ll be scanning him regularly to see what he’s up to.

    At a rank of 56, he’ll be a problem for us. I don’t think we’ve ever hit anyone that big before, but the HOFinators (Doc and Dr1p) are certainly ramping up their game day by day, so you never know.

    I’ll go do some snooping…


    he’s attacked me a couple of times, and as most of your planets are in a galaxy eith one of my colonies (spread your colonies around to avoid being muntered by one person), I’ll have a look see to get some fleet out there, although I’ll be of little or no use against a rank 56 player, we can certainly irritate him!


    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    he’s attacked me a couple of times, and as most of your planets are in a galaxy eith one of my colonies (spread your colonies around to avoid being muntered by one person), I’ll have a look see to get some fleet out there, although I’ll be of little or no use against a rank 56 player, we can certainly irritate him!

    Heh. You’ll be learning from a pro here Ozzcom, Wolf and Zigzag certainly know how to do that. Deathp00 anyone?


    Post up all his planet co-ords and I will sent up colonies to IPM him!

    I hate idiots like that…


    3:392:4 Main Planet w/Moon

    I’m sure he has a few more somewhere else.
    I also know he has quite a fleet with at least one RIP.
    Armor lvl 14 Weapons and Shields lvl 12

    Thanks for the help. I won’t be able to contribute much since my main fleet is gone, but I could help with IPM’s and such.


    hmm.. looks interesting.. what universe are you in? might give this a try.


    Uni 5


    Sorry I missed this whilst I was away…This guy need a seeing to in my humble…It’s actually people like this that make ogame fun because then we can all join together and combine ACS with sublime strategy and tactics and he will kneel at our feet and beg forgiveness..

    Then I wake up and remember we’re XDC 😛

    But seriously..I would be up to annoy the hell out of him and maybe even bring him down a peg or two…I need to know who would seriously be up for it? We should plan it after Doc gets back…combined with Dr1p, and maybe a couple of others, plus maybe none XDC mates we might be able to seriously hurt the guy?

    XDC FTW 😀


    I can build a hell of a lot of ships in just a few day, and I have a mobile colony thats needs somewhere to go:P I can help out, just notify me a week or so in advance.


    same as gsammons, give me a week or so, i’ll have a nearby colony and a semi-sizable fleet to contritbute. i love to fuck somebody up.

    I’m so drunk


    i was drunk last night

    really drunk

    i’m sober now 🙁

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