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    XDC Minti

    @=XDC= MadHippy wrote:

    Why waste money on prosecuting these people?? Why can’t the police go catch violent offenders/sex offenders etc etc

    Petition here

    Signed..fooking waste of time


    Hello Captain_Chronic Long time on see 😉


    @=XDC= MadHippy wrote:

    @Lensman wrote:

    Legalising drugs is madness.

    Does that include alcohol and tobacco? Very harmful drugs there? ….
    So where’s the problem in legalising it’s use??? Especially for medical purposes?

    Cocaine etc are addictive hallucinogens. Tobacco simply kills you over time, but does not impair you like the harder drugs. I don’t mind being getting a lift from someone that had had a fag, but if he’s just smoked a joint I don’t want to be on the same road as him. I can tell if someone’s too pissed to drive, but it’s harder to tell if someone is a bit high.

    Alcohol is different – it has a place in pretty much every culture from the dawn of time. Yes, it’s the cause of massive problems, and I think if it were “new”, then no modern time government in its right mind would make it legal. But it’s not – it’s ancient and predates by many centuries the idea that governments can outlaw such substances. Remember the US tried to do that in the 1920’s and failed big-time.

    But back to drugs – I really don’t want to be sitting in a pub and the bloke next to me is shooting up or blowing coke smoke over me – tobacco smoke is bad enough. And I *really* don’t want my son to grow up thinking its OK to stick needles in his arms just to get a floaty feeling.

    Some drugs are already OK for medical purposes, but it should be done in under medical supervision and control – that is different from the cocaine cake at issue here.

    Seriously – legalising hard drugs would severely fuck up our society. The argument that it would cut down crime is bollocks. When you are hooked, you don’t give a shit whether it is legal or not – you just need your next fix. You will still steal to fund your habit. People still steal now to fund their fags and booze.


    Smoking joints and driving should be regulated as alcohol and driving is…you shouldn’t work/drive on either.

    making harder drugs illegal doesn’t solve the problem, it just drives it underground which makes it harder to control, and the only people to profit from it are criminals…

    Regulating the production of harder drugs would make them purer, removing a significant danger when someone buys drugs, i.e. impurity.

    Regulating/taxing drugs would provide revenue to the government to deal with the social issues which often give rise to drug taking in the first place. It may increase the cost of the may on the other hand decrease them as less people in the chain would be profiting…

    Reducing the stigma surrounding drug taking may increase the number of people seeking help and actually reduce the number of people addicted in the long term…People addicted to “hard” drugs need treatment as much as people addicted to alcohol.

    Drug taking is as ancient and prevalent in society as the consumption of alcohol…although the distinction is absurd, as all are drugs. Alcohol may actually be newer in the sense that it requires production and fermentation whereas one can get high by merely chewing cocoa leaves. In fact many illegal drugs are found growing naturally in nature. In the future people may well regard the “war on drugs” in the same way prohibition is regarded now…A failed policy that was a kneejerk reaction to a perceived problem, instigated by a over-paternalistic state.

    In no way should drugs being legal mean that children should be brought up to think it is perfectly OK to stick a needle in their arm in order to get a high. Just as now it is taught that it is not wise to consume so much alcohol that one becomes an alcoholic, the dangers of drug abuse should be taught to all. legalising drugs and reducing the stigma surrounding them does not make them cool…It does, however, make them safer.

    A mature approach to drug abuse is probably too much to ask in a nation of Daily Mail readers…But regulating/controlling the production of drugs would probably solve more problems than it creates. In fact we have the problems already, can anybody show me how the present system of prohibition has worked in any way, shape or form? It hasn’t…it has failed completely…drug taking has increased massively over the last 50 years…Legalise it, control it’s production and even let the government supply the harder drugs (for a price) in pharmacies for all I care…To registered consumers over the age of 18…It can’t be any worse a solution to the “solution” we have now.

    XDC MadHippy

    I wasn’t talkin about hard drugs. When I said chemically refined I meant that something had to be done to them to make the drugs ie opiates need to be boiled or ‘sweated’ – Cannabis is natural ie you pick plant you smoke it, ingest it, whatever. From a personal experience (not scientific) I cannot condone the legalisation of heroin (opium) or cocaine (coca plant)
    because I have seen first hand what damage that causes. Whilst I actively campaign to see cannabis made legal that doesn’t mean I want to see peeps smoking joints/pipes/whatever in public. It should be controlled as every other ‘medical’ drug is controlled.

    Personally I think spain has got it right – you can have a few plants for ya own consumption and that’s it.

    FFS if the government legalised and taxed cannabis they’d make a fuckin fortune and probably make more balanced decisions the bunch o wankers

    *note* Not havin a go at you Lens mate, You have my msn addy if ya wanna call me a cockend!

    XDC MadHippy

    Didn’t see zig’s post before I posted !!

    nice one Zig – fancy a joint! 😀 😀


    Always… 😀

    And can I also say that from experience the hard drugs are fecking deadly…as is the use of unclean needles…Having known people on the receiving end of the grim reapers’ sharp ‘un doesn’t make me want to carry on making them illegal though…quite the opposite…legal but controlled on the hard stuff…

    The rest should just be a free-for-all 😀

    Legalising wouldn’t have driven those I knew into heroins’ deadly embrace, they did that of their own accord when it was illegal…giving them some hope/ability to get out of the addiction might have saved them though…

    Ask our Dutch boys how cool it is to smoke weed in Holland?…Most of the Dutchies I have met consider it completely uncool..simply because it’s available…(they might all be gheyers though! 😛 )

    Ask a German how cool it is to go binge drinking? It aint…probably because the laws allow the consuption of alcohol at an earlier age, and their society has a more mature attitude to alcohol than I ever see when I get back to the old sceptered isle…but the Germans practically invented quality beers…they also know that binge drinking turns you into a tw@t and on the whole they don’t do it..Us Brits think it’s cool, as do the yankee cousins, and I guess a whole lot of that has to do with the “coolness” of only being able to get a drink from the age of 18/21.

    Right…rant over!

    xdc the doc

    Zigzag is making a lot of sense there – pretty much my feelings on the matter!

    The idea that ‘harder’ drugs than alcohol or tobacco are somehow more in need of regulation is rediculous. You mentioned prohibition Hippy – why cant you see that the current state of affairs directly correlates to alcohol prohibition in the 20’s? If all drugs were legalised I am 100% certain certain things would happen..

    1) Crime in this country would be dramatically reduced – have you any idea how much crime is directly drug related? Having safer/cheaper alternatives to the current shady underworld system at present MUST reduce crime!

    2) There will be less heroin addicts in the country, and a lot fewer deaths. Just as under prohibition – when you make a certain substance illegal you increase the amount of people who become locked in a viscious cycle of addiction and risk of personal harm (There was more problems with alcoholism and alcohol related death during prohibition than after it for example.)

    3) Society will improve in general. The government has no right to impinge on any personal freedoms. Ive seen respected surveys saying that more than 50% of the population of the UK have tried some form of illegal drug at least once! IF OVER 50% OF THE POPULATION DO SOMETHING IT SHOULDNT BE AGAINST THE LAW!!! Laws are meant to have been made by the people,for the people as far as I can work out.

    The current view of drugs in the general population is a horrible case of brainwashing by vested interests and spineless governments – dont get sucked into the bullshit. I dont take drugs for personal reasons (same as I dont smoke and never will.) But ill be damned if someone can convince me that the next guy in the street shouldnt be able to decide that for himself as well!

    XDC MadHippy

    @xdc the doc wrote:

    You mentioned prohibition Hippy

    No I didn’t!!

    You have the wrong man!! Typical scots blaming an innocent engleeeesh man!!

    😆 😆 8) 😉 😉 8) 😆 😆

    xdc the doc

    @=XDC= MadHippy wrote:

    @xdc the doc wrote:

    You mentioned prohibition Hippy

    No I didn’t!!

    You have the wrong man!! Typical scots blaming an innocent engleeeesh man!!

    😆 😆 8) 😉 😉 8) 😆 😆

    😛 Lol you think protest your innocence all you want…. BURN HIM! 👿

    (and the rest of you English feckers.)

    XDC wild egg tamer

    careful doc or else there shall be a re-enactment of the William Wallace execution by some of the more Patriotic chaps here 😉


    Interestingly enough Cannabis use has only been illegal in the US since the 30s after a flurry of propaganda on the part of Harry Anslinger (who had just been made director of the newly formed Bureau of Narcotics and was trying to make a name for himself) and William Randolph Hearst (a newspaper magnate, who had huge investments in the timber industry and was facing competition from Hemp growers). The first anti-cannabis law was passed in the US after a single day of debate, and despite the American Medical Association being completely opposed to it.

    Obviously this link is biased, it’s from a site called Drug War Rant…. but you can wiki the facts in the article, they’re pretty solid:



    Although im totally against drugs ive got to say that these three were doing what they were doing not to make a profit but to help people. The punishment should fit the crime but what crime has been committed but to ease peoples suffering?


    Prohibition was never enacted in Britain, so that argument is that all our current alcohol problems are due to that is entirely without substance.

    A lot of crime is drug related, but what makes you think that will be reduced if hard drugs were legalised? Booze is legal, and if anything there is MORE crime related to that than to drugs. Popularising something will increase the associated problems because hard drugs are highly addictive. The body demands more, and people will try and fuel that demand in any way they can, whether legal or not. People steal for fag money already – just because they can be purchased over the counter does not change how people acquire the funds.

    Legalising such drugs says society deems it acceptable to become dependent upon them. That’s what drugs do – make you dependent. The same is not true of alcholol – in itself it is not addictive. Most people who consume alcohol do not become addicted; most people to consume hard drugs do. Worse than that, for some drugs like heroin you need ever increasing doses to get the same “hit”.

    I don’t see how legalising something and, by implication, easing access to it could result in less people trying it, and therefore a reduction in addicts. The opposite would be true.

    Can someone explain how a small increase in tax revenue can possibly compensate for allowing more young people to become junkies?

    Government has every right to impinge on personal freedoms if those can have a detrimental affect elsewhere. Owning a gun could be a “personal freedom”, but surely we don’t want them legalising here do we? Looking at child porn could be interpreted as “personal freedom”, but I sure as hell don’t want that legalising either.

    I’m fairly agnostic on legalising of cannabis, to be honest – it’s a Class C drug that I don’t know too much about, other than it’s addictive qualities are pretty low (much lower than nicotine, I believe).

    But legalising Class A drugs – pure and utter madness. And no, I don’t read the Daily Mail.

    PS: Many drugs are legalised for medical purposes – even heroin.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i read the daily mail from time to time………whats the problem? 😕

    booze and fags are legal and can be bought over the counter but that still doesn’t stop people bringing them in from abroad then selling them illegally on street corners or in markets! The same would be true for drugs, you can legalise them all you like but dealers will still profit from them and junkies will continue to steal to be able to buy their fix from the dealers at a cheaper price than the heavily taxed price from a legitimate source.

    I know of a few cabbies who have been violently attacked by junkies needing a bit of quick cash to get their next fix, fuck all happens to them yet the cab driver loses a nights takings, is off work for a few weeks if he’s lucky and no one seems to give a flying fuck! Once again our wonderful legal system dictates that the victim is forgotten about yet the perpetrator gets all the help or benefits going! Legalising ain’t gonna make jack-shit difference other than more peeps will probably try stuff because of the ease of availability.

    The best bit is if a junkie is made to go cold turkey in jail it seems he can now sue the prison service for compensation…… that makes a whole lot of sense doesn’t it!

    Now, maybe its because i read the daily mail and indeed i may be a sensationalist reactionary but can you honestly tell me thats right ? For fucks sake!!! The same smack head could of mugged my mate in his cab, slashed him across the face for a simple fix yet the fuckers gonna get payment for having to endure the ordeal of going cold turkey! Give me a break………i’ll help the fucker get over it……make him dig a hole then shoot the fucker! One less problem for society to have to deal with.

    We all have to right to do what we want to a point, the problems arise when what we want to do directly impinge or affect how others have to live, the above being a case in point; my mates trying to earn a living to pay bills, feed kids etc etc then along comes a lowlife smack head who had the choice from day one whether he started using drugs or not, he chose to use for his own reasons……..guess thats his choice, but now his “personal choice” has had a direct effect on a whole family……thats just wrong. 👿

    i’m off to buy the Sunday mail and read how well our goverment are doing 😉

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