The history of 1st-BW

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    Guys, felt like putting a piece about this so you know where we come from. I don’t want to sound like an old fart, because we already have one of those 8)

    1st-Black-Watch goes back probably around 5-6 years, established by Armo and Hokum we played only MOHAA. From those days I guess it is only me and Fenix left. (correct David?). By the way we were the #1 mohaa clan in Europe in the match tables for a short while (nothing to do with me of course), we played matches 2-3 times a week.
    When BF42 came out, roughly together with rise of WWII online, the clan broke up in 3 parts. The MOHAA die-hards split off into Banzai clan because they though the rest was not competitive enough. Armo and Hokum wandered off into WWII online. The rest of us kept playing BF42 and DC. From that period players like Divie, Legit and a few others you have seen ocassionally on the XDC server like Cerberus, Evil Weasel,Doc, Ghostie and Swordfish, originate. Also at times when WWII online went through less interesting periods we saw people wandering back into BF42. Airmessy being the prime example of this of one of the people brought into the clan from the WWii on-line community.
    The match playing period was about over at that point in time since we struggled to fund our own server (not enough practice). Students and people without a job were exempt, and at the end of the day there were too few peope able or willing to contribute a tenner.
    We held on to the clan throughout BF-V and were more or less closely alligned with The Rats and NCO-clan, but the interest really never picked up again enough to keep it going. By the time BF2 was launched the clan also lost it’s webbie due to lack of funds and a lot of people, including myself, started to enjoy the XDC hospitality.


    Good shit bud

    Think its time for the grand wizard to update the XDC history 🙂

    I tried that WW2 online lark… seemed to have huge potential, but such stupid aspects – like the troop vehicle man… drives the spawn to battle, and has to sit in it to let pther people out! DICE should get in touch with them and do a BF1942 MMOG…. now that would rock!


    Not bad for a senile chimp, pod 😉

    Pretty sure you were in the clan well before me, though. If I remember, there was an overlap in time between mohaa and bf1942. When mohaa first came out, I was with GFK “Ghost Faced Killaz” which played lots of ladders and leagues and was very regimented and driven. Then there was a schism and we became “Havok and Kaos” and everyone left.

    Soon after that, Armo recruited me to 1st-BW after a great session starting on BF1942’s El Alamein map. I’m still chatting with him occasionally, now but he seems to just play EVE Online 😯 . I played mohaa matches with 1st-BW but I found I couldn’t commit to evening training. I even resigned from the clan but was encouraged to keep the tags on – I wore them proudly in Call of Duty. Wore them all over the floor and walls :(.

    When Call of Duty came out, I used to have fun playing on the BW-UK server with the 1st-BW tags on. I was “1st Black Watch” and they were “Black Watch UK” and some BW-UK members would order me to remove my tags saying that “I was stealing their clan tags” and then kick me when I reacted incredulously and refused. Never got banned and kept going back for more hilarity.

    I can’t remember any contact with XDC in mohaa… records are mysteriously missing from my filing system… CoD yeah, but not mohaa.

    Anyone hear from [1st-BW]Memphis at all? And where’s Cerby Cerberus? Don’t tell anyone but I reckon Messy ate their hearts to gain more flying skillz.


    Not sure many people played Mohaa… I played a bit at the same time as RTCW… now that was a great game!


    RTCW was a laugh, wasn’t it!


    @Mr.Fenix wrote:

    Not bad for a senile chimp, pod 😉

    I wore them proudly in Call of Duty. Wore them all over the floor and walls :(.

    When Call of Duty came out, I used to have fun playing on the BW-UK server with the 1st-BW tags on. I was “1st Black Watch” and they were “Black Watch UK” and some BW-UK members would order me to remove my tags saying that “I was stealing their clan tags” and then kick me when I reacted incredulously and refused. Never got banned and kept going back for more hilarity.

    I can’t remember any contact with XDC in mohaa… records are mysteriously missing from my filing system… CoD yeah, but not mohaa.

    Anyone hear from [1st-BW]Memphis at all? And where’s Cerby Cerberus? Don’t tell anyone but I reckon Messy ate their hearts to gain more flying skillz.

    Damn, forgot all about CoD, reason is it never really hit a chord with me.
    Correct, the XDC link (from our perspective at least) started to come in sincew BF42, FH and the Rats.

    Just had a long conversation with Hokum last week.
    Memphis, Cerb, Barb, Clemento and a few others I see ocassionally on MSN.


    Cerbs a good lad.. think he’s from Mancunia too 😀 as is Ghostie

    Nice stuff there Podlington

    MOHAA sounds ghey.. but BF1942 was kool 🙂


    Cerb is from Huddersfield, next door neighbour of good old Barbarian.


    omg!!! RTCW was awsome!

    /Runs off to find rtcw cd-rom


    I played mohaa matches with 1st-BW but I found I couldn’t commit to evening training

    lol training 😯 😀 See i new we foregot to do something. If you want real ‘mans’ training just have a 30 sec conversation prior to the map starting then wonder why you got your arse kicked 😆

    Cerb used to play bf2 quite alot then vanished 🙁

    Think messy is more likely to have him trussed up in his attic for ‘male bonding sessions’ as he likes to call them


    @=XDC=McQueen wrote:

    omg!!! RTCW was awsome!

    /Runs off to find rtcw cd-rom

    that beach map was one of the best ever – and depot was awesome too.

    I also really like the way the explosives worked – having to prime them and all.



    Ohhhh… those were the days!


    @=XDC=FluffyBunny wrote:

    I played mohaa matches with 1st-BW but I found I couldn’t commit to evening training

    lol training 😯 😀 See i new we foregot to do something. If you want real ‘mans’ training just have a 30 sec conversation prior to the map starting then wonder why you got your arse kicked 😆

    Cerb used to play bf2 quite alot then vanished 🙁

    Think messy is more likely to have him trussed up in his attic for ‘male bonding sessions’ as he likes to call them

    Cerb has fallen in love again for the 2nd time in a year 😛 That is were he goes 🙄

    Barb is going through a rather messy divorce, memp has found women, pubs, clubs and the weekend.


    wolfenstein was my first online gaming exp. it rocked!

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