The joys of fatherhood

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    Well here’s the tale of my Saturday evening….

    Wife gone out for a hen night, and not back until the morning. So I have 4 year old son to look after. Easy I think: a play in the garden for a couple of hours, lazy tea in front of the telly, bathtime then in bed for stories about 7ish. Rest of evening just me & my cans of Stella to catch up on a load of TV that’s been Sky plussed.

    But, oh no……….

    After 90 minutes of playing in garden, Reece pulls down trousers & pants very urgently to do a wee (stand up weeing is a new skill he’s learnt, and he’s very proud of it). Now, normally he doesn’t go in the garden, but like all of us he sometime gets so engrossed in having fun he leaves things until the last second.

    So, still no major drama.

    After 10 seconds I hear the plaintiff cry of “Daddy! Poo!”. So I rush across, to find all sorts of very squidgy crap coming out of his bum. So I lift him up, point arse updwards, run into house, and put him on the downstairs loo. He’s a little distressed, comfort him, and then run upstairs to fetch clean pants & shorts.

    I dive into his wardrobe, grab said items, close the door, and start to retrace my steps.

    AAAARRRGGHHHH!!!!! Brown marks on the carpet !!!!!! 😯 😯

    Stop – lift up foot to examine my shoe. Sure enough, entire sole of one shoe covered in shit. Or rather, was covered in shit, but now rather obviously smeared into the carpets of landing, stairs, hallway, kitchen floor, and even the decking outside.

    So I’ve spent most of the evening cleaning crap, disinfecting carpets, scrubbing my deck, and clearing the stuff off the lawn. What a way to spend a Saturday night……

    Anyway, just thought I would share my misery with you as now I’m going to have a drink or three.

    PS: My boy is now fine, and sleeping soundly without a care at all in his peaceful little blond head. The git.


    lol unlucky with the poo 😀


    Well i keep telling the potential grandparents

    Im gay and she’s infertile :), unfortuanatly they aint falling for it, and now she’s getting a touch broody but not openly admiting it 😐

    I dont want poo on My carpet unless it’s My own god dammit! 🙁

    Enjoy that drink Lensman


    Infact, i’m a little preturbed.. , tonight We were watching that there You’ve Been Framed program, you know the one…it used to be hosted by a one handed unfunny twat called Beedle and they repeated the vidoes every 3 weeks.

    So this mind rot was giving us a reason not to talk about our shite day at work when they started showing ‘cute’ and ‘funny’ babys falling backwards into a flower bed (the rockery and pond did make me snicker, and the teenage knob jumping off the roof onto the trampoline and ending up in pain! class)

    Anyway..she started talking about cute small shoes.


    Is the snip free on the NHS?


    @ Lensman: Have the same problem with the dog now and again but with vomit too – at the old house once she even vomited several times ina row in various lcoations ;o Not nice ;o

    @ SilverSides: Dunno but can’t you just end it with a money shot?


    You’ve been framed was a particularly broodiness-filled one yesterday, all those cute little babies had me wanting a baby too. I love babies, poo and all 🙂

    It’s just the teenagers I despise.


    Here’s a tip… can’t stop a flowing child poo, you should have just let him shit in the garden and cleaned that up later.

    Not much use after the fact.



    crack out the Vax

    xdc magicker

    at least he never crawled over and started to eat it

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