To move or not to move

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    CHaps, the old “Lets move to another server provider” is coming up again.

    Gonzo has been pimping Rackage servers for ages so I am inclined to see if we can get a Rackage Dedicated box in Feb. What do you, the people of XDC think?


    Find out whats what and how much first from the big nosed muppet.. then decide 🙂


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Find out whats what and how much first from the big nosed muppet.. then decide 🙂

    Before I speak to Gonzo I want to see if most are keen to move, so vote


    If it means better performance and stability, then go for it. 😉


    anything but MP, PLEASE!

    xdc magicker

    it has to be said that what multiplay are offering on the web space front is very limited: only 400 mb web space / only 1 mysql server / no ssl access

    however, scanning the rackage site there appears to be no hosting services at all!


    Bottom line is most people want to move because they believe the performance in terms of speed and stability when playing games is cack with Mutliplay. Right? We would have to be certain that it was just a Multiplay problem and not one thats seen on other providers – otherwise a move is pointless and a lot of work. It might be worth mentioning to multiplay that we think there’s a problem and that we are considering moving. Last time we did this (during the ‘nam days) they ‘fessed up to running a FTP server on the same box as ours 🙄 Or it could be a way we’ve set up our servers. We should at least approach them about it.

    Also isn’t Gonzo employed by rackage in some way? (or am i way off the mark?). If this is the case then we need to be cautious as his opinion is going to be biased (in no way a slight on his character).


    I’m not sure if he is employed but he certainly does tech support in some form. He reckons he can get us a decent deal and at least we know he’ll be able to manage our box fairly well (the rats seem to have little problems with their hosting). Lag is an issue onb almost all COD4 servers I’ve played on but I know the RIP fellas have several servers running of the same box so it might be why for them, we have very little traffic on our servers and the performance is appalling when you consider what we moved from and what you would expect. Oh well, I reckon we need a move, MP have been pretty guff over the years and right now I’m not a beleiver in better the Devil you know. We can always come back to MP if Rackage sucks, lets give them the decency of a try.


    I know where Gonzo lives, so if he fucks us over, we can fuck him over!

    Don’t think he would though, as he seemed a thoroughly nice fellow (except the bit where he posted the pictures of my fat arse all over the net!)


    ffs, forums crash 4tw!

    Basically more controll on rackage than MPUK, but what about website on MPUK?


    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    I’m not sure if he is employed but he certainly does tech support in some form. He reckons he can get us a decent deal and at least we know he’ll be able to manage our box fairly well (the rats seem to have little problems with their hosting). Lag is an issue onb almost all COD4 servers I’ve played on but I know the RIP fellas have several servers running of the same box so it might be why for them, we have very little traffic on our servers and the performance is appalling when you consider what we moved from and what you would expect. Oh well, I reckon we need a move, MP have been pretty guff over the years and right now I’m not a beleiver in better the Devil you know. We can always come back to MP if Rackage sucks, lets give them the decency of a try.



    Whilst I haven’t been around as much as I used to or been on the servers and experience them problems most have been having with the Multiplay Servers (Probably because I haven’t had the time to get my backside to a shop and purchase a copy of CoD4) I seem to remember the rats having major issues with their forums going titicus verticus. Not sure if their forums are hosted by Rackage.?

    I think personally we should speak with Muliplay with our issues with the servers and give them an opportunity to investigate wether the problem is server side or an issue with the games themselves. We should also find out the spec and OS or the Rackage Servers for comparision and see if there is anything different that be be exagerating the problems with servers.

    I shall vote accordingly.

    Sean I have a few contacts in Multiplay if you need them let me know but we really need to list all the issues we currently have with the servers so that we can give them as much info as possible to try and indentify the problem. If they fail to address the issues then maybe it’s time to look at another server provider. I my experience when dealing with the various server providers they are all pretty much the same so if we did decide to move from Multiplay to a new provider there are no guarentees we would experience similar problems further down the road with another game.


    Lammie, I like what you say. I am only thinking about the move because of all the moaning, but I have not played for ages so cannot say I have issues. I will get the lads to make a list and then pass it onto Multiplay.


    The rats website isn’t hosted by Rackage certainly. If you want a list we can certainly start with very poor server performance , choppy gameplay, etc. I doubt it is the game as I have played on a number of servers without any lag at all.


    Rats website is not at Rackage its somewhere else, so the xdc site is another thing that would have to be looked at.

    I personally have had no problems with our servers, i have heard others complaining of lag on both our TF2 server and the rats Tf2 server, but never had a problem myself. i get great pings to both servers and the ping to the rats server is sometines crazy lol (e.g 12ms anyone?) may be their server is in nottingham which is like 30 miles or so from me hehe.

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