
Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2142 Wankbuster!

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  • #16343

    Looks like the issue with punkbuster cold be widespread, I cant play a game at the mo without getting kicked!!! Lots of disconnects from various players as well, plus our server shutdown too! 👿


    No Max, that’s what it’s designed for 😉


    i had the same trouble the other night have already disabled the two exe’s the other week and that worked for a while then it reoccurred.
    I download the pbsvc and that seemed to work.



    Me too 😥

    From evenbalance:

    We are aware of several players who are getting kicked for Losing Key Packets with an error code ffff0001 or ffff0002 after the v1.701 PB Client update released yesterday. There seems to be some misinformation being posted on various websites and forums in reference to the new PunkBuster services called PnkBstrA and PnkBstrB. These are NOT optional. If these are disabled or stopped or blocked by the user or anti-virus or Internet security software, updated PunkBuster servers will remove you from the game for Losing Key Packets. Users of some versions of McAfee Security Center are reporting that these PB components are getting automatically added to the “block” list. If this happens on your machine, you will need to remove them from the list in order to continue using PunkBuster. Players who have manually disabled or stopped PnkBstrA based on instructions from some other website may need to run our PBSVC program to uninstall and reinstall in order to continue playing on PB enabled servers.


    Me last week. 😥

    Pfft, you boyz is always behind wiv it 😉


    Running the PBSVC program to uninstall the PB services, rebooting, then running it again to reinstall the services worked for me. Cheers Dodge.

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