What not to watch on the internet.

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  • #19296

    Hi chaps.

    I am often referred to at work as a nice guy. I go out of my way to help people in day to day life and generally am friendly to everyone and not sarcastic in any way shape or form. To this end, I found myself helping Matt and Streff out both 2 weeks ago and today, advising them on things they should probably avoid on the internet.

    2 weeks ago, I advised them that they should never ever visit either http://www.specialfriedrice.net or indeed http://www.bluewaffle.net. These sites are not very nice and contain pictures that are less than tasteful. I infact warned them both several times, both at work and multiple times over steam chat, each time linking to both http://www.specialfriedrice.net and http://www.bluewaffle.net hoping to steer them clear of such internet filth.

    Many times I hit Matt up on steam saying “hey matt, do not, under any circumstance visit http://www.specialfriedrice.net or indeed http://www.bluewaffle.net”. I said “I know it would be very easy just to quickly click on a link to either http://www.specialfriedrice.net or http://www.bluewaffle.net but don’t”

    I failed

    Both Matt and Streff decided not to take my advice and both visited http://www.specialfriedrice.net and http://www.bluewaffle.net.

    More recently I came accross another video on the net that is not fit for viewing by the general public. It is a 2 part video and is called BME Pain Olympics. This morning I have warned both Matt and Streff several times not to google this and view the video, again, it’s not very nice.

    So I though, why should I only attempt to protect Matt and Streff, surely, the XDC community as a whole would benefit from a difinitive list, complete with clickable links of things they should under no circumstances view on the internet, so here I am.




    There are of course other things on the net you shouldn’t watch and I’m not near a computer that can access these kinds of links so I will post instructions that you should never follow.

    DO NOT Google and watch 2 girls 1 cup
    DO NOT Google and watch 1 guy 1 jar
    DO NOT Google and watch 2 girls 1 finger
    DO NOT Google and watch the church of fudge

    I hope this is of help to some people.

    Also, you are all welcome.


    I fully endorse this warning, and would add that these sites are in no way humorous and they will sear images into your brain you will never forget. Even alcohol failed to fully prevent this in my case, when I failed to heed the multiple warnings I was sent via steam, and I have not been able to look at waffles or fried rice the same since.

    Whatever you do, do not view these at work, or near young children, or indeed with your own eyes. There are comic eyes you could use instead, if you can’t help but click the links, and these would at least soften the blow on anyone who happens to walk in while these images are on your screen, if not distract them entirely.

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