Who,s up for some EVE?

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    Plex has been around 600 mil for around 3-4 weeks now it just keeps climbing and climbing, if anyone needs a corp in 0.0 drop me a bell in game “signal11th”


    Wish I had the time to put in to the game, simply dont.


    Wish I had the time to put in to the game, simply dont.


    Signal, I might be tempted to join in if there’s a good corp, and presumably you’re in with cleist and quite a few ex bob players, so that would be interesting. What’s the situation like in 0.0 these days and where is it you’re located?


    Oh and what kind of pvp do you normally get?


    Oh and what are the main changes in game now compared to 2 years ago?


    Bascially we are based down in Fey with the Russians currently fighting N3/PL/Nulli and ever so slightly winning but going slow. Yeah Cleist is here as well as myself and a few of the old VTEC members after we kickstarted the corp again. Plenty of pvp around here small stuff as well as the tidi fests we have. Couple of FC’s are asking for a smack personally speaking but that’s more to do with their dislike of our corps bromance with the alliance leader and our cherry picking of the ratting systems that they wanted apart from that its ok.

    Oh yeah check evenews24 for lots of comedy when cleist lost another super to an awoxer. Shit overview ftw.

    Changes are superficial, lots of ship balancing changes to war deccing, exploration/scanning had a big overhaul and it now basically way to easy. Player owned mobile structures as well (this is quite cool) plus marauders have a “siege” mode module now as well.

    My old corp RKK has now joined PL (lucky I left then)

    Gary Goat

    The exploration changes are a bit worrying if its too easy as I used to like a bit of exploration to make isk. Most of the isk came from DED sites though and I guess they haven’t changed? Soloing serp 10/10s was always a nice cash injection 😈
    They were pretty rare around syndicate though.

    Whats the current fotm?


    RKK joined PL? That’s a turn up for the books. Are PL still friendly with goons?

    Oh and I reactivated my accounts last night so I guess I’ll maybe take you up on that offer Signal….once I figure out a way to move my stuff from syndicate.


    So…. Close to resubbing….. Must resist….


    You need to sink some major hours in to EVE, I don’t know how people find the time


    How many hours have you put into BF4 so far max?

    crazy hippo

    oh god damn you lot, making me want to resub!!!

    maybe, maybe…..


    @Alzir wrote:

    How many hours have you put into BF4 so far max?

    Cant compare the two games really.

    BF4 you pick up, shoot, get some flags – EVE, you have to spend a lot of time with it, waiting for fights, making ISK, trawling space looking for action, arranging ops etc. plus if your out the game for a while, EVE changes so quickly, you need to spend time picking up all that has changed

    Gary Goat

    Played a bit last night and managed to get myself out to 3knk unscathed to do a stock take. Its going to be a lot of hassle moving everything out so I may just leave it all there.

    Also came up with some nice t3 wormhole fits for the legion, tengu and proteus but i’m not sure which one to go for. I think i’m leaning towards the legion.

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