Xbox 360 help

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    Ok, I bought an XBox Elite for my darling little boy for Christmas. Now he tells me that the wireless adaptor thing which I will need to keep him happily locked in his room doesn’t actually come in the box – is he right? Do I have to buy the official XBox one as it seems to be incredibly expensive? FFS I hate Christmas sometimes 🙁


    buy seperatly


    Yep the Ryzo’s right unforunately, XBox 360 Wireless Adapter is a seperate purchase. Think they retail for around £40 – £50 which sucks.


    Damn, I thought everything I needed was in the effing box!


    It is if your linking up via a ethernet cable to the net, but if your going wireless, then yes, unfortuntatly youll have to buy seperate 🙁


    Son is always complaining that his connection on his pc through his little usb thingummy id somewhat dodgy, does anyone know anything about homeplugs?

    Will one of these sort out his pc and his xbox and enable me to sue the internet as well? I’ve tried reading the website but I don’t really understand lol maybe I should have got that VTech computer!



    I’ve got a set of those and am not entirely happy with it.

    It works, in a relatively modern house with a fairly recent electricity cabling, divided in decent power groups.
    If not, like me in a house from 1936, on top of that using power-strips, extenders etc, if was impossible to get a connection across 6 meters.

    XDC Dutchman

    I bought a pair of the solwise 85Mbps ones for my own PC as I too was getting a dodgy wireless connection. I think they work fantastic, plugged them in, no setup to do, just worked.
    As for whether they’ll work in your house, no idea. As POD explained, sometimes they don’t work due to the way your home electricity is wired.


    My house is a prefab from the 1940s, the wiring is probably inadequate although it is a bunglaow so the distance to cover isn’t that great. Hmmm, dunno what to do.

    I’m not buying him the wireless adapter thing, the spoilt bugger is getting enough as it is, he can buy it himself out of his Christmas money.


    @=XDC= Dutchman wrote:

    I bought a pair of the solwise 85Mbps ones for my own PC as I too was getting a dodgy wireless connection. I think they work fantastic, plugged them in, no setup to do, just worked.
    As for whether they’ll work in your house, no idea. As POD explained, sometimes they don’t work due to the way your home electricity is wired.

    Was very strongly considering getting these to help out my crappy wireless connection (forked out on plenty cards!) – but never got round to it – whats the best ones to get??


    I bought the official 360 Wireless adapter.. couldnt for the life of me get it to work.. Make sure its compatible with your router or your son might be dissapointed.. unless you have a friend you can sell it too for the RRP straight away 🙂

    I have a USR Wireless 9108 Mag G mo fo.. and it dont work


    If you use sky broadband , or have a netgear router, chances are – it will work.


    I have a BT Homehub.

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