=XDC= Birthday Event?

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    It’s that time of year again when a happy birthday XDC thread is about to appear in a forum not a million miles away from here, but as this year is a special one of sorts, in that this little creation of ours is about to become a teenager, I figured we could mark the month of October which a series of events celebrating the fact. We did this a few years back, I think for the 10th anniversary, when we engaged in some retro gaming, reinstalling several of the main titles that have wasted so much of our time of the years, and so I was wondering could we do the same again? For anyone not about back then, the idea is that it would go something like this:

    We pick a few titles, which are accessible by as many of us as possible, and put aside a couple of hours on say a Sunday evening, where we invade some random servers and shoot each other in the face a lot, laughing at how much we’ve forgotten, how dated the game feels, and wonder how they still haven’t patched out Max’s hacks etc. We do this one week for one game, the next weekend for another, and carry on until the end of the month, culminating in hopefully a mass XDC showing on our current server playing BF3. I would also hope to record each event and post it on the new youtube channel for posterity.

    So the first question is whether any of us are up for it, and if so, then the second question is what games should we concentrate on?

    Since I’ve been thinking about this for a while, I’ve already had a chance to rule out Rogue Spear as an option, as much as I’d like some old school action there, it is far too complicated to install on Windows 7, and would actually require you to dual install win XP if you have an ATI card. I did find this site in my research http://www.voobly.com/ which might be of interest for anyone who does get it working or fancies some old school MS Gaming Zone action.

    Anyway the most likely titles we could get numbers for are:

    BF1942 – Easily found on Torrents, but you’ll need your old cd key to play online.
    BF2 – Again available via torrents, though from the 10th anniversary a few of us actually have this on Steam. You’ll still need a cd key if using a torrent though (I think).
    TF2 – Controversial one this as it’s not something we all played, but we did have some good numbers back in the day. As TF2 is now free to play, it’s accessible to all, and during the month of October they always have a Halloween Event which is normally good for a bit of banter.
    COH – I’d love to have another wee tournament of this, but we’d be lucky to get even 4 people over the month.
    DayZ – despite the hackers, this might be worth trying again some weekend with us playing without a care in the world, aiming for as many kills as possible running around Cherno and Electro.

    We’d have 4 weekends to fill and for these we’d aim for titles that would allow as many of XDC as possible to be involved for the Sunday Events, but can of course try any niche titles out at other times.

    So, what do you think? Any other ideas for a birthday event also welcome.

    xdc the doc

    Id be up for COH and TF2 – probably couldn’t be arsed with the others.


    sounds a bit complex to me….i still cant get teamspeak to work

    will be there for the BF3 bit though


    What about some ghost recon?


    Have you been able to find a torrent for that Paddy?

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