XDC Console Gamers

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    Just wondering if there are many console gamers out there? Currently a big fan of the PS3 but miss you guys, anyone else got it?

    Or Xbox? They are so cheap at the mo… if enough of you have one, I my be forced to check it out!!

    Answer the poll bitches!


    The majority have the 360! Get one bitch 😛

    xdc magicker

    wii ftw 😉


    never owned a console

    xdc the doc

    Just got a Wii and Wii fit. Good fun…. but just borrowed guitar hero from a mate… the best fun possible on a computer I reckon…. superb! Thinking of getting world tour for it.


    I’m scared that you even class the Wii as a console.


    i have a ps3 , never play it tho , grandson is pretty handy at it. Also have a wii and wii fit i bought for the wife. She won’t use it! Was trying to get her in shape for obvious reasons lol 👿


    smooth moves queeks.

    “here you are honey, something to get rid of that excess fat. happy birthday! now go and use it, you’ve a long way to go!”

    people have been divorced for less!


    on my xbox all the time now, playin cod 4 mostly but well up for some left for dead of gow 2


    Got both, Use 360 more, only use the PS3 for Bluray/TVersity (superb program)


    I think I will have to get this Gears of War 2 game everyone talks about. Worthwhile getting number 1 first or not?


    I’ve come to a conclusion recently, which goes some way to explaining why previously sane PC gamers can play FPS on consoles (something that’s been bugging me for a while). FPS on consoles, is retro PC gaming made socially acceptable.

    it’s sad you guys are wasting so much time with them, as we could have such a blast with some of the games on steam these days.

    xdc magicker

    @Alzir wrote:

    I’ve come to a conclusion recently, which goes some way to explaining why previously sane PC gamers can play FPS on consoles (something that’s been bugging me for a while). FPS on consoles, is retro PC gaming made socially acceptable.

    it’s sad you guys are wasting so much time with them, as we could have such a blast with some of the games on steam these days.

    lol what he said!

    come on guys ditch the joy pads and reach for your keyboards


    I agree that Steam offers 2 good games, Insurgency and Natural Selection. The benefit of the 360 is the simpless to arrange things, log in, see whos on and join them within 20 seconds. Awesome. Also, no worries about glitches and crashes. That’s my argument. Oh and every game runs well on ONE setting, no need to spunk 500quid on a new gfx card every 3 months 😆


    TV Versity is… ok… Just wish I had got faster powerline adapters to stream movies without Judder… Bum!

    I agree with Tooth – I want to just Turn on, Tune in, and rock out!

    That said, I am currently on a drive to finance a new rig… If my ebay sales work out, I will have about £200 for it, and hopefully around £600 in June ish… whoop whoop!

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